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The plane landed in the trees down the hill from the camp. They unloaded.

"There's a tear in the fence up ahead." Steve said "Been there forever. No one ever fixes it. We can get in there."

River nodded, walking up beside them. The others followed behind.

When they made it inside the camp, River and Natasha focused on disarming the watchmen before rejoining the team. They made it to the barracks when an alarm went off.


Emily heard the alarm and three hydra agents stormed into the room. They looped chains underneath her hand bindings and hung her up from the rafters.

    "Anton?" She asked, recognizing the agent she'd befriended before "Anton please you don't have to do this."

"I'm sorry." He whispered in English "But I do. Or they'll kill me."

He secured the chains just as more agents flooded the room.

"Shut the door." The woman from before began barking out orders. "Guard the girl. The captain is here."

She sounded panicked.

"The captain?" Emily thought "Steve! Steve was there!"

One of the agents saw the look of hope on her face and hit her in the stomach with the butt of his gun.

   "Don't look so cheerful. You're not getting out of here. Not alive anyway." He sneered at her.

The door blasted off the hinges as Tony flew in the building.

"I do believe that's my family you have there." He said

He sounded annoyed. Almost like a tired dad.

One of the agents put a gun to Emily's head but his finger rested on the side. River sighed and threw a knife at him, landing it in his chest. A hit the ground and his gun slid across the floor.

"Wanna try again?" She asked cockily.

Another moved to go after Emily and was met with an arrow in his back. Steve finally made it to the building and saw Emily dangling from the rafters.

  "Em!" He yelled.

She tried to move her arms. To pull on the ropes, try to wear them down with the chain but her arms were too weak.  Two hydra agents decided to try to attack. Tony blasted one out of his way.

  "See the problem you have, is not only did you gas my friends. You put my sister and my kids in danger." He said aiming the blasters at another agent "I am not happy."

  The others began trying to attack. Which led to fighting by time they took down all the lower agents, the blonde woman had made her way to Emily. She undid the chains and let her hit the ground. Emily cried out as she did so. The woman held a knife to her neck.

     "You lose." She said with a cruel laugh.

   "No." Steve replied "cause you just threatened the winter soldier's sister."


A gun went off. The woman now had a neat hole through the center of her head. She fell backwards and Steve ran towards Emily. He pulled her away from the woman.

"Steve." She cried

"Shhh. I'm here. I'm here." He whispered as he undid the ropes.

He held her close and lifted her from the ground. She was crying into his chest.

"Let's go home." Clint said into their ear wigs

They made their way back to the plane.


When they arrived back at the compound, Steve carried Emily to her room and laid her on the bed. He walked to bathroom and began running water in the tub. She was having difficulty moving so he helped her undress and lowered her into the tub.

   He counted the bruises over her body. On her arms, her legs.  Her throat. She had a cut on her face, along with a bruise along her jawline.

  "They beat you?" He asked

She nodded. She was still scared. What if they came back.

His face softened as her grabbed her chin and gently kissed her lips.

  "I'm sorry I didn't protect you." He whispered.

She shook her head.

"You tried to." She said

He took a cup, poured water over her hair and began washing it for her. She hummed happily. He then washed her body. When she was clean, he lifted her from the tub and dried her off. She wasn't as sore after so she dressed herself. Which just consisted of a pair of shorts and one of Steve's t-shirts.

   She sat on the bed next to him and began planting little kisses on his neck. He resisted the urge to give in.

  "You need rest." He said gently "I'll be with the others."

He laid her down in the bed, covering her up.

  "I love you." He whispered, kissing the top of her head.

  "I love you too." She said

He shut off the light to her room and left her to sleep.

Bucky sat at the counter with a glass of water.

" how is she?"

"Covered in bruises, scared."

He nodded.

"She'll be okay. Right?" He asked

"As long as she has us."

"You. As long as she has you." Bucky corrected.


Bucky smiled.

"Let me see the ring." He said

Steve gave him a confused look. How did he know about the ring?

   "The ring. The one you plan on giving Emily." He repeated "Let me see it."

"What?" Steve asked

"You have my blessing. Now let me see the damn ring."

Steve smiled and pulled the box from his pocket. He opened it and turned it around to show Bucky.

Bucky smiled.

"She'll love it." He said

"How did you know?" Steve asked

"You are the least observant person I know." Bucky laughed "I was behind you when you told Tony."

A scream echoed down the hall and Steve took off running to Emily. She was tossing and turning in her sleep. She let out another loud scream.

"Emily!" He whispered yelled " I'm right here."

He pulled her close to his chest.

"I'm right here." He repeated "I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here."

Her eyes shot open and she began sobbing.

"Steve." She whimpered.

He kissed the top of her head as he held her close with no intentions of letting go.

"I'm here baby. It's okay."

Bucky stood in the doorway watching the interaction. He nodded to Steve and sat the ring box on a shelf just inside the room before leaving.

"Don't leave me." She whispered.

"I won't." He replied tenderly "I'm yours. All night." 

He laid beside her and pulled her close. Spooning her with one arm around her waist and another playing with her hair.

    "I'm yours. Forever." He promised as she fell asleep in his arms. "I'll never leave you."

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