Chapter 42

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When Sara arrived at the bunker, she was very surprised at who she found down there.

"Sara." Slade Wilson said.

"What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on Lian Yu or preferably dead right now?" Sara demanded as she prepared to attack him.

"Sara, stand down." Oliver said as he entered the bunker.

"Seriously, how are you not killing him right now after what he did?" Sara asked.

"Because I cured him of the mirakuru and restored both his sanity and his memories. He's not an enemy any more. He's an ally. And a brother in arms to me." Oliver said.

"You honestly expect me to believe that a brain dump is going to make him a good guy?" Sara demanded.

"Sara, you didn't know Slade, not like I did. You only saw him at his worst. You never saw the man he'd once been. And honestly, if memory serves me correctly in both universes, you're the reason he became an enemy in the first place, since you're the one who sold us out to Ivo, which resulted in Shado's death." Oliver reminded her.

"Fair point." Sara said, since she knew that he was right. If she hadn't had given their location to Ivo, Shado wouldn't have died, at least, not the way she had and Ivo wouldn't have been able to turn Slade against them.

"Look Sara, I know you have no reason to believe me when I say that I'm truly sorry for everything I did." Slade said and when Sara looked into Slade's eye, she could see nothing but honesty and sincerity in it.

"I guess if I can give Damien Darhk a chance at redemption after everything he did, I can give you one too." Sara admitted, since Darhk had done far worse to her than Slade had ever done, and yet instead of killing him, she'd given him a chance to have a clean slate. Sure she'd only spared Darhk's life out of consideration for Nora, but still, Darhk had done much worse in the old reality and yet she'd let him live. Sara would just have to trust that Oliver knew what he was doing. She always had and it was well founded. She'd just have to hope that it would again.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Oliver asked.

"I was actually meeting with Lyla, since one of her agents has joined the Legends." Sara said.

"Really, which one?" Oliver asked.

"Snart's sister Lisa. Long story." Sara said.

"I bet. So anyways, you are planning on visiting your sister and father while you're here right?" Oliver asked.

"Of course. But Lyla mentioned that there were some new developments I should talk to you about. Now I know why." Sara said, still eyeing Slade suspiciously.

"Sara, if I didn't trust him, I'd have put an arrow in his other eye by now. Besides, if anyone has the right to kill him, it's me." Oliver said and Slade chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure you're the only one who has a chance at doing that kid." Slade said.

"He's not wrong. Though if I get the chance, I'm more than willing to take my shot at it." Sara said.

"You really think that you could beat me?" Slade asked.

"I think you'd be surprised by how much I've learned since the last time we saw each other." Sara said.

"Enough. Sara, I know you don't trust Slade, but you trust me right?" Oliver asked.

"With everything I have." Sara said without hesitation.

"Then trust that I know what I'm doing." Oliver said.

"Okay Ollie. But only because I know that if he betrays you, you'll handle it." Sara said and Oliver nodded as they walked to the side to talk, though Sara would still shoot looks at Slade every now and then, since she did not trust that bastard one bit. The only reason she hadn't jumped him is because Oliver did trust him, so she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"So, do you think you can find this witch?" Charlie asked Nora after they'd brought the situation to her attention.

"Maybe, but honestly, it might be easier to try locating the actual fire totem, since if memory serves me correctly, it was by locking on to the death totem that allowed Constantine to locate the Waverider when Mallus possessed Sara." Nora said as Sara time portalled back to the ship.

"That is true and while that's a good idea, considering the fact that we'd essentially be running into the lion's den, I think it'll be better to wait until Constantine gets back from hell, so that way the team will be at full strength, especially magic wise, since no offense Charlie, but Mallus was locked up with you for centuries, I'm sure he's likely to recognize you, even if you shapeshift." Sara said.

"You're probably right about that. Better not take that chance." Charlie said.

"So, what should we do in the meantime?" Nora asked.

"We do what we can to prepare for the coming fight. I'm heading to DC to bring Ava, Nate and Rip up to speed on our current developments. Amaya's in charge." Sara said and Charlie and Nora both nodded.

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