Chapter 3

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After she'd finished her business with Talia, Sara decided that she should put the memory gun to use. That was why she'd decided to return to Nanda Parbat, since she needed Nyssa's help with her mission, since if she was successful, then she could help several people, though one of them she honestly couldn't believe she was doing it.

"Sara, what a surprise, I did not think that you'd be returning so soon." Nyssa said.

"There's something I needed your help with, but first." Sara said as she pulled out the memory gun and before anyone could stop her, she fired it right at Nyssa.

"What did you do to her?" One of the guards asked as they began to move in on her.

"Stand down, she did me no harm. Leave us." Nyssa ordered and the guards nodded as they left them alone.

"What did you do to me?" Nyssa asked Sara.

"I restored your memories of the way things were." Sara said.

"Before the crisis." Nyssa finished and Sara nodded.

"Why?" Nyssa asked.

"For one thing, I restored Talia's memories to keep her from training Chase again." Sara said.

"You spoke to her, told her that she could return to the League?" Nyssa asked.

"I did and she agreed, since she wants to resume the work she and Thea had begun before the crisis. Turning the League of Assassins into a League of Heroes." Sara said.

"I'm aware of that, since Thea kept me updated on Talia's dealings while they began working together and I believe that is a noble cause. And Thea will be welcome should she choose to return." Nyssa said.

"That's not why I'm here though." Sara said.

"What do you mean?" Nyssa asked.

"I need to know everything the League knows about Damien Darhk's current whereabouts." Sara said.

"You think you can kill him before he can kill your sister?" Nyssa asked.

"That's the backup plan, but I think that if I can restore Darhk's memories of the old universe, then he'll be willing to reform." Sara said.

"Why would you want to offer the man who killed your mother redemption?" Nyssa asked.

"Not for him, but for his daughter. I knew Nora Darhk well, she was one of my best friends, long story, but anyways, Darhk's death set off a ripple effect that caused Nora a lot of pain and suffering. And crazy as it sounds to believe, I think that despite all his flaws, Darhk does care about his daughter, since when he nearly lost her to a demon, he was heartbroken and he and I actually fought on the same side. I think that if Darhk knows the repercussions of his actions, then he might be willing to give up on his plans for Nora's sake. And if he doesn't, well, then I'll kill him." Sara said.

"You realize the risks involved in that plan." Nyssa said.

"I believe that it's worth it, since either way, Darhk will not get the chance to kill Laurel. Not again. And even if I can't kill him, Oliver can." Sara said and Nyssa sighed, since while she honestly did not believe that Sara's plan would work, she did not really have a choice, since Sara could easily take back the role of Ra's herself and order the League to do it that way.

"Okay. I will see what our scouts can find. I'd recommend starting your search in Markovia though." Nyssa said and Sara nodded.

"Thank you Nyssa." Sara said.

"I am only doing this out of gratitude for giving me the League." Nyssa said and Sara nodded.

"Fair enough." Sara said, rolling her eyes at that slightly, since while she knew her plan was a risk and she honestly would've preferred just killing Darhk, but this way, she could also prevent Nora from having to grow up in a cult because both of her parents were dead. It was a risk that she was willing to take to help her friend, especially since it meant that Nora wouldn't need to become a fairy godmother, since Sara knew that Nora had never truly enjoyed the gig. At least as far as she knew.

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