Chapter 5

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Sara smiled when she arrived outside the airport entrance with Constantine to find Ray, Nate, Mick and Snart waiting for them.

"Sara." Ray said as he hugged her.

"Hey Ray. It's so good to see you." Sara said.

"Well, I figured that this mission could help me score some points with Nora's dad, so yeah, it was kind of a no brainer." Ray said as Sara turned to Nate.

"And Nate, I'm assuming you still have a thing for girls from different time periods." Sara asked with a smirk as she then hugged him.

"At least my future girlfriend is an original human being that was created the normal way." Nate retorted and Sara smiled.

"Well played. And I'm going to tell Ava you said that." Sara said and now Nate was panicking.

"Please don't." Nate said and Sara chuckled.

"Relax. I won't." Sara said.

"Boss." Mick said as he held out his hand, which Sara shook.

"I'm impressed that you've gotten him to call you boss instead of me." Snart said in his usual tone.

"She earned my respect, since she is a much better captain than the englishman ever was." Mick said.

"Really." Snart said and Sara nodded.

"Rip admitted it himself. Which is why when we all get recruited to the Legends, I am planning on restoring his memories with this gun J'onn gave me and taking command of the ship." Sara said.

"If you let me examine the gun, I might be able to find a way to turn it's tech into a software update for Gideon. I'm sure Zari and Behrad can help with that once we recruit and restore their memories too." Ray said and Sara nodded.

"In the meantime, we are going to take Darhk off the table, one way or another." Sara said.

"What's the plan?" Nate asked.

"The first step is to find Darhk, but I have no idea on how to do it." Sara said.

"Well, I can maybe hack into the surveillance grid of the city to see if I can find Darhk or Nora or Ruve, but I'm no Felicity." Ray said.

"I think I might have a better solution. A faster one too." Constantine said.

"I'm listening." Sara said.

"Right now Darhk's magic is still connected to the Khushu idol and similar to the death totem when Mallus possessed you, I can track him based off of his idol. Lead us right to the bastard." Constantine said.

"What about John's brother?" Ray asked, since he and Sara had been told about this, since Andy's betrayal had been a big part of why Laurel died.

"Try to take him alive, but if not, I doubt John will lose any sleep over it. Especially since this time he won't be the one who killed him." Sara said and Ray nodded.

"Okay John, what do you need for this spell?" Sara asked.

"I can pop back to my house right now and pick up what I need." Constantine said.

"Do it. In the meantime we will establish a base of operations." Sara said and Constantine nodded as he left to find a location to establish to poof himself back to his house.

"So, where exactly are we going to set up our base of operations?" Nate asked.

"Well, that depends." Sara said.

"On what?" Ray asked.

"If you're still rich." Sara said and Ray smiled.

"Yes I am. So I'm guessing that I am paying for our base." Ray said.

"Yep. Rory, Snart, get the lay of the land, see if you can find out anything on Darhk or Hive's whereabouts. Mick, you take point." Sara said.

"Got it." Mick said.

"Uh assassin, can I talk to you in private." Snart asked and Sara nodded, having a feeling she knew what this talk would be about.

"You're questioning my decision to put Mick in charge?" Sara asked.

"Yeah. I mean don't get me wrong, he's my partner, but at the same time, there's a reason I always took the lead in our heists." Snart said.

"Give Mick a chance. He did a lot of growing up and maturing after you died, he became a full-fledged member of the team and while Ray was sort of my right hand after Jax left, Mick was my left. There's more to him than you realize." Sara said.

"Maybe. Still, I'll keep him on a leash." Snart said.

"No, I trust Mick to stay under control. If it looks like he is starting to fall back into old habits, then step in, but it won't come to that. While we're setting up the base, I'll call Barry and have Cisco build your guns." Sara said.

"Got it. But also, who's this Ava you were talking about?" Snart asked and Sara sighed, since she knew she'd have to have this conversation with him eventually.

"Ava is the love of my life. She's the head of an organization that Rip created to replace the time masters after he was demoted. Long story, but while what we had was fun, it was nothing more than a fling. But with Ava, I feel things that I've never felt before. She has actually made me believe that it would be possible for me to spend the rest of my life with someone else." Sara said.

"Wow, that's deep. Oh well, plenty of other fish in the sea I guess." Snart said and Sara could tell he was just using his snark to hide his hurt feelings. Maybe he'd cared about her more than she'd thought. There was a time when she'd thought she'd loved him, or at least could potentially love him, but after Ava, she knew that she'd never truly loved anyone, except maybe Nyssa, like she did Ava.

"Go with Mick." Sara said and Snart nodded as he walked towards his partner as they left the group.

"What was that about?" Ray asked.

"I think that Snart might actually have emotions." Sara said.

"So, he didn't take the news about Ava well?" Ray asked.

"Actually, he played it off like he was cool with it, but I can tell that he was actually hurt by what I said. Also, I think we trust Mick more than he does." Sara said.

"Well to be fair, Snart may have been Mick's partner and best friend, but he didn't get a chance to see the person Mick had grown into. I'm sure that once he has time to adjust, he'll see that aside from being less obsessed with fire and more controlled, he's still essentially the same drinking, lying, thieving son of a bitch he was when he first joined." Ray said and Sara laughed.

"Come on boys, let's go find a base so that way we can start planning." Sara said and Ray and Nate nodded as they headed towards the taxi cabs to get a hotel.

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