Chapter 8

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After Snart and Rory had returned, Sara left for her room so that she could come up with a plan. However, as she did, she also took the memory gun J'onn had given her into her hands.

"You okay?" Ray asked as he walked up behind her.

"You know, when I first told Nyssa my plan, she asked why I'm not just killing Darhk and to be honest, I'm wondering the same thing. After everything that the bastard did, he deserves to die." Sara said.

"I'm not saying you're wrong, but we also know that he has the potential to change. If there's one thing that has always been true about Damien, even before Oliver killed him, it's that he's a family man before everything else. If he remembers all the pain his actions will cause his family, then I believe that he will reform." Ray said.

"You're only saying that because you want to get in good with Nora's father." Sara said.

"Sara, please. You know what losing Damien did to Nora. You're saving her from being turned into a demon's puppet." Ray said.

"I know, but still, after everything he did to my family, blackmailing my dad, killing my sister, not to mention nuking Havenrock, I can't stop myself from thinking that he deserves to rot in hell." Sara said.

"And he will. But not by your hand." Ray said and Sara sighed.

"You're right. Though I will probably cut off his arm or something just to even the playing field." Sara said and Ray chuckled.

"Fair enough. But I have to admit, I'm proud of you." Ray said.

"What do you mean?" Sara asked.

"The old you wouldn't hesitate to slit Darhk's throat without a second thought. Now, you're actually trying to find a way to save your sister without killing Darhk. You've come a long way since we first met." Ray said and Sara nodded.

"Maybe. But let's just hope I remember that tomorrow." Sara said.

"Wait, we're moving in tomorrow?" Ray asked.

"I'm not giving Darhk any time to catch onto us. Besides, I have people back in Star City I need to see and I can't do that until I'm sure that my family is safe." Sara said.

"And by people, you mean Laurel, your father and Oliver." Ray said and Sara nodded.

"The last time I saw all three of them, they were dead. I watched Oliver die right in front of me. And now to find out that he's alive along with Laurel and my father, I have to see them, but first, I need to make sure that Laurel is safe. Which means that one way or another, Damien Darhk will not be a threat to my family." Sara said and Ray nodded.

"So, do you have a plan?" Ray asked.

"Yep. Time to go bring the team up to speed on it." Sara said as they walked back out to where the rest of the team were waiting.

"So, what's the plan Captain?" Nate asked.

"We divide up into teams. Rory, Snart, obviously you two are together, then Ray and Nate and Constantine, you're with me." Sara said.

"Copy that and what is each team's objective?" Constantine asked.

"Ray, Nate, I want you two to focus on stealing Darhk's idol." Sara said.

"And why are you not having the thieves do that?" Snart asked and Mick looked like he agreed.

"Because I have a different mission that I'm sure at least one of you will enjoy a lot more than thieving." Sara said.

"What is it?" Mick asked.

"You still like explosions Mick?" Sara asked and Mick grinned at her.

"What do you have in mind?" Mick asked.

"We'll need a diversion so that the other teams can reach their objectives with minimal difficulty. You two will raid Hive's armory for explosives and then set them at certain locations around the base. Preferably from the outside." Sara said.

"To make it look like intruders are trying to break in." Snart said.

"Exactly. But, I also want you to plant explosives inside the base as well, preferably at the reactors." Sara said.

"You want to blow it off the map regardless don't you?" Constantine asked and Sara nodded.

"While Hive is likely going to be Oliver's mission to complete again, I want to make it as easy for him as possible." Sara said.

"And I can guess on what you two are doing?" Ray asked, looking at Sara and Constantine.

"John and I are the most logical choices to take on Darhk, since between my combat skills and his magic, we should be able to keep him at bay long enough for me to restore his memories and then if things go south, kill him." Sara said.

"Sounds like a plan." Snart said.

"Get some rest, we'll all need it if we want to pull this off tomorrow." Sara said as they started to go their separate ways, only for Sara to stop John.

"What is it?" Constantine asked.

"I know you gave Oliver a tattoo that allowed him to learn how to resist Darhk's magic. He told me how to do it, I just need the tattoo." Sara said and Constantine nodded.

"Not a bad idea." Constantine said and with a quick incantation, he gave Sara the same tattoo he'd given Oliver.

"You sure you'll be able to use it?" Constantine asked.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough." Sara said and Constantine nodded as they went their separate ways to get some rest before their attack tomorrow.

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