Chapter 12

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"Gideon, did anyone else survive?" Rip Hunter asked Gideon as the Waverider settled into the time stream after escaping the genocide of the Time Masters by their former ally, Vandal Savage.

"Negative captain. It would appear that you were the only one with the sense to leave the Vanishing Point when it became clear that Vandal Savage was beyond reasoning." Gideon said and Rip sighed as he sat back in his chair. He was the last of his kind. The last Time Master. And while yes he'd gone rogue from them to pursue Savage after he killed his wife and son, but still, when he'd learned that Savage had not only been in league with the Time Masters, but that he was preparing to betray them, he'd tried to warn them, only to arrive too late and barely escaping before the Vanishing Point had exploded.

"How did Savage manage to destroy the Vanishing Point?" Rip asked.

"It appears that he somehow triggered a self destruct in the Oculus device. A device the time masters were apparently using to control the timeline." Gideon said.

"Savage destroyed it to give himself free will, but for what purpose?" Rip asked.

"I'm not certain. However, I do know that you cannot defeat Vandal Savage alone." Gideon said.

"I know. Which is why I've already tasked you with determining the best people to recruit." Rip said.

"My recommendation would be in the early 21st century." Gideon said.

"Bring up the recommended individuals." Rip said and when he saw the faces Gideon brought up, he couldn't help but feel like some of them looked familiar, though he couldn't fathom why she'd picked one of them, but decided not to question it.

"Stop in London 2166 to pick up Miranda and Jonas, since hopefully now I will be able to save them." Rip said and Gideon nodded.

"Prepare for time jumps." Rip said.

"Yes Captain." Gideon said as Rip sat down in his chair, preparing for the time jump.

Rip was relieved when he returned to 2166 to find that sure enough, this time around, he was able to save his wife and son.

"Rip." Miranda said as she hugged him.

"Miranda. I'm so relieved I managed to get to you in time." Rip said, relieved as she looked at him.

"But what about the Time Masters?" Miranda asked.

"Miranda, the Time Masters are gone. It turns out that they were in league with Savage and he turned on them, wiping them all out. I barely managed to escape." Rip said.

"So now what do we do?" Miranda asked.

"Now you and Jonas get situated on the Waverider while I prepare to defeat Savage for good." Rip said.

"Rip, you know that you cannot beat Savage alone." Miranda said.

"And I don't plan on it. I only stopped to pick you and Jonas up before Savage tried to kill you again." Rip said.

"So where are we going?" Miranda asked.

"To recruit those who, if things go according to plan, will one day become Legends." Rip said.

"Really. Who?" Miranda asked.

"Heroes from the 21st century who while they may not have made impact on the timeline before, they will have a chance to now." Rip said as Miranda just nodded, knowing her husband well enough to know that she wouldn't get much more out of him than that.

"Gideon set a course and get us out of here." Rip said.

"Right away captain." Gideon said as the ship time jumped away.

"Gideon, what is our current location in time and space?" Rip asked as the ship came out of the temporal zone.

"Central City, 2012." Gideon said.

"Okay then, the first recruit is Sara Lance. Former member of the League of Assassins and former leader of the League of the Assassins." Rip said.

"You're recruiting an assassin?" Miranda asked.

"One who has the same blood as the Black Canary coursing through her veins. Sara is more than just an assassin. I'm sure of it." Rip said as he left the ship to make his first recruitment.

Sara smiled as she looked at her suit, since the reason she was in central City right now was to pick her suit up and also to visit her mom. She smiled when she saw that this time around, Cisco had given her an actual emblem.

However, she was drawn from her thoughts when she heard someone approach from behind her.

However, she calmed down when she heard their voice and was very grateful she'd decided to bring the memory gun with her as she pulled it out.

"Ms. Lance." Rip began, only to stop when she whirled around and shot him with the memory gun and then proceeded to punch him.

"Did you really have to punch me Sara?" Rip asked as he recovered from both the punch and getting his memories restored.

"No, but I've been wanting to do that for a long time." Sara said cheekily and Rip chuckled.

"Fair enough. Captain Lance." Rip said.

"So you're willing to give me leadership of the Legends?" Sara asked.

"Yes. After all, you are a much better captain than I ever was. But this time around, I will be staying with the Legends, since you lot are the only ones I've truly considered my family. Along with Miranda and Jonas of course." Rip said.

"Did you save them?" Sara asked.

"Yes, I did. My wife and son are alive. There really is a lot to catch you up on and I will, but after we get the rest of the Legends." Rip said and Sara nodded.

"Okay, but little warning, I plan on restoring your wife's memories so that way I can explain some of the things you've pulled that I'm sure she'll be very interested in hearing." Sara said with a smirk and Rip sighed.

"I assumed as much as soon as you restored my memories." Rip said and Sara smiled as she then proceeded to hug him.

"It is good to see you again Captain." Sara said.

"I'm no longer captain." Rip said.

"You'll always be the captain of the Waverider, even if you hand the mantle to me." Sara said and Rip smiled at her gratefully as they headed back to the ship.

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