Chapter 26

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After the ship arrived in Zambezi, Sara decided that it would be best if just she and Rip approached Amaya, since she figured that she'd feel less threatened, especially since Rip was a familiar face.

"I imagine it will be nice to see Amaya again." Rip said.

"Yeah it will be. I have to admit, the team never really was the same after she left." Sara said.

"Really, even after you got a shapeshifter that insisted on using her form?" Rip asked.

"Are you kidding? Charlie is more like a second Mick." Sara said with a chuckle.

"And you want to bring her onboard the ship?" Rip asked.

"Hey, she actually helped balance Mick out. She was like the new Snart." Sara said.

"Good lord. Well I suppose if she managed to keep him from burning down the ship." Rip said and Sara chuckled.

"Fair enough." Sara said as they heard a rustle and sure enough, Amaya approached them.

"Halt." Amaya said.

"Ms. Jiwe, it's me." Rip said.

"Captain Hunter." Amaya said as she relaxed.

"It is good to see you again Ms. Jiwe. I apologize if we spooked you." Rip said.

"Who is this?" Amaya asked.

"This is my associate Sara Lance." Rip said.

"He means superior." Sara said and before Amaya could say anything else, Sara shot her with the memory gun.

"Sara, next time give me some warning." Amaya said.

"Yeah, next time I'll give you warning before I aim and fire a gun at your head. Now bring it in girl." Sara said with a smile as she held out her arms, and Amaya happily obliged.

"What brings you back here?" Amaya asked.

"Don't worry, we're not here to pull you out of the timeline. At least not yet." Sara said and Amaya rolled her eyes at that.

"So then why are you here?" Amaya asked.

"Rip told us that in this new reality you are one of the keepers of the spear of destiny. We're here for your piece of it." Sara said.

"You're going to destroy it?" Amaya asked.

"Not exactly. We need to use the spear to save Zari's life." Sara said.

"Wait what?" Amaya asked as Sara explained things to her.

"So you want to use the spear to split the two versions of Zari apart, so you're not killing either of them." Amaya said.

"Exactly." Sara said.

"Okay then. I'll go get my piece of the spear. How is everyone else?" Amaya asked.

"Well Ray and Nora hooked up, Ava and I are considering living together and we saved Rip's wife and son." Sara said.

"You know that's not what I meant." Amaya said and Sara took a deep breath.

"Nate's fine. He actually started dating Zari." Sara said and Amaya smiled.

"I'm glad that he was able to find someone else to be happy with. Just like I did." Amaya said.

"Does that mean that you're a mother?" Sara asked and Amaya nodded.

"I am. And now I know how to raise Esi to make sure she's ready to wield the totem someday." Amaya said and Sara smiled.

"Think your people will mind if two white people come into your village?" Sara asked.

"Of course not. As long as you stay with me." Amaya said and Sara smiled as she and Rip followed Amaya into the village.

"Wow, that is not as impressive as I thought it would be." Sara said as Amaya handed her a piece of the spear.

"Might be because you've already held it before." Amaya reminded her.

"Or because it's just a piece of wood. Seriously, you couldn't get the tip?" Sara asked, giving Amaya a hard time.

"Don't make me go gorilla on you." Amaya said.

"Please, after fighting an army of shadow demons, that's nothing." Sara said with a smile.

"Get out of here. You still have three more pieces to recover and something tells me that Zari is on a limited time frame." Amaya said.

"You're right." Sara said.

"By the way, I expect an invitation." Amaya said.

"To what?" Sara asked.

"Don't play dumb. We both know it's only a matter of time until you ask Ava to marry you and I expect an invite." Amaya said.

"That is still a while away, but yes, someday I do plan on asking Ava to marry me and of course you will be invited now that you remember who both of us are." Sara said and Amaya smiled.

"Great. I look forward to seeing you then. Tell Nathaniel I said hello and I'm glad he was able to find love again." Amaya said and Sara smiled as she hugged Amaya before heading out to meet back up with Rip and head back to the Waverider.

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