Chapter 24

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"What's going on?" Sara asked as she and Ava rushed into the infirmary to find Wally already there with Zari.

"I don't know. All I know is that she fell backwards and her vitals are weakening." Wally said as Gideon ran a scan of Zari.

"It would appear that Ms. Tarazi's condition is due to some kind of disturbance in her cerebrum, the area of the brain that deals with her consciousness." Gideon said.

"Any idea on what it is?" Sara asked.

"It would appear that there are two different and conflicting brainwaves existing in her cerebrum and it is causing the rest of her brain to go dormant." Gideon said.

"Any idea on what caused it?" Ava asked.

"No clue. But Zari did say she was trying to communicate with her old self from this universe from before you restored her personality. That might have something to do with that, but I can't be sure, since I'm not a magic expert." Wally said.

"Then we'd better get both our experts here now. Gideon, get in touch with Nora and Constantine, tell them to get back to the ship now. This takes priority over Charlie or the other creatures." Sara said.

"Right away captain." Gideon said.

When Constantine and Nora arrived back at the ship and entered the medbay, they found Nate had joined them and he was holding Zari's hand.

"No luck getting Charlie out yet?" Sara asked.

"Long story, I'll tell you after we deal with our current situation." Constantine said and Sara nodded.

"What is the situation exactly?" Nora asked.

"Zari took a totem quest to confront her alternate self from this reality, but something must've gone wrong, since now she's unconscious and now Gideon is registering two conflicting brainwaves in Zari's mind." Wally explained and Constantine contemplated.

"Well, I suppose it's possible that while one Zari went into the totem, two Zaris came out." Constantine said.

"Wait, are you saying that Zari may have accidentally brought her alternate self out of the totem with her?" Sara asked.

"Yes. And now both Zaris are fighting for control of this body." Constantine said.

"So, how do we fix her? Can we use that cognitive intrusion thing to enter her mind and take out one of them?" Nate asked.

"If this were a problem caused by science, I'd say yes, but this is a problem created by a mystical artifact. And killing either of them is too risky, since now that both minds are inside one brain, if one is harmed, it could end damaging the brain. And we can't let them continue to fight for too long, since without a conscious mind to control it, soon all her brain functions will shut down." Constantine said.

"So what do we do?" Nate asked.

"The only solution I can think of is to separate the two of them, giving them each their own bodies. But doing so would require a force far stronger than technology or magic Nora or I possess." Constantine said.

"Well, I think I know something will be able to do that." Sara said.

"Really, what might that be?" Constantine asked.

"The spear of destiny. We can use it to rewrite reality and give both Zaris their own bodies and lives." Sara said.

"Sara, while that sounds good, I have spent years in both universes searching for that bloody spear and I couldn't find it. It's lost." Constantine said.

"To time perhaps." Sara said with a smile.

"What do you know about it?" Constantine asked.

"The reason why you could never find the spear in the present John is because in the 50s, Rip found the spear, alongside the JSA and due to how powerful an artifact it is, they broke it into pieces and were scattered across time." Sara explained.

"Bloody brilliant. But if we can find those pieces, we can put the spear back together and use it to heal Zari as you described." Constantine said.

"No one uses that spear but me, since I'm the only one who can resist the temptation of it. I've done it before and I can do it again." Sara said.

"We'd better head to the bridge and tell the team our new mission. In the meantime, Gideon, put Zari on life support." Sara said.

"Already done captain." Gideon said as they placed a breathing mask on Zari's face to help her breathe as the rest of them headed to the bridge of the ship.

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