Chapter 34

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"Well, this is a nice throwback." Ray said with a smile when he saw Charlie enter the bridge with Sara, Mick and Snart.

"Yeah, Sara thought it might be helpful if I looked like this to avoid confusion while the real Amaya is on the ship." Charlie said.

"Speaking of." Amaya said, getting Rory's attention and to Snart's surprise, he actually hugged her.

"I missed you." Mick said.

"Likewise. Though I have to say I have mixed feelings about your partner." Amaya said, looking at Snart suspiciously.

"You don't even know me." Snart said, though he did notice the way all the other Legends were looking at each other.

"Not in this reality." Amaya said.

"What is she talking about?" Snart demanded.

"He doesn't remember?" Amaya asked.

"No, he doesn't and we intended to keep it that way." Sara said.

"What don't I remember?" Snart demanded and Sara sighed.

"Remember the Reverse Flash?" Sara asked.

"The bastard who killed Barry's mother? Kind of hard to forget since Barry asked me to help him try and get some meta criminals out of Central City to try and stop them from being collateral damage in one of his plans." Snart said.

"And then if I recall hearing right, didn't you sabotage it for your own gain?" Ray asked.

"Of course I did." Snart said, not even ashamed of his actions.

"Still can't believe you cut me out of that score." Mick complained.

"In my defense, Barry and I both felt that your tendency to prefer to roast people on sight would be counterproductive to the mission." Snart said.

"He's not wrong. Given the way you were back then Mick, I can't exactly blame him." Sara said.

"Anyways, he was the big bad we were fighting after we stopped Savage so to better combat us, he assembled his own team, composed of Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk and you." Sara said.

"What? I may be a criminal, but I'd never work with those sociopaths." Snart said.

"Thawne went back in time to before you joined the Legends and recruited you with the promise of preventing your death by using the spear of destiny." Sara said.

"I worked for a speedster. I feel so disgusted I want to put myself on ice for it." Snart said.

"So did I. Anyways, you duped me into betraying the team and helping Thawne and his team get the spear and when you redid reality, I came to my senses, got the band back together and then, just when we were about to succeed, you turned Amaya into an ice sculpture and shattered her into about a million tiny pieces. Then, after we found a way to undo it and defeat the legion, we put you back in the timeline and erased your memories to preserve it." Mick said as Snart turned to face Amaya.

"I am not that monster. I may be a crook, but I am not that." Snart said.

"And everything the Legends have told me back that up. So I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt." Amaya said and Snart nodded at her.

"Anyone else have a problem with me?" Snart asked and none of the other Legends said anything.

"Good. Now, let's get to work. We have three totems down, three to go." Sara said.

"Actually, now that Charlie's back, I do have a question for her." Constantine said.

"Really, and what might that be?" Charlie asked.

"The reason all the fugitives escaped is because something went wrong when Nora and I tried to summon just you from the prison and I cannot find anything that would've caused it, so maybe you can fill in the blanks for me." Constantine said.

"Probably just a fluke." Charlie said.

"No, it wasn't, but we have more pressing concerns right now." Nora said and Sara nodded her head in agreement.

"Right now, Mallus takes priority, but when we're done with him, I do expect an answer Charlie." Sara said.

"Fine." Sara said.

"So, I just want to be sure, Charlie, you're okay if we kill Mallus right?" Nate asked.

"I am. He's one of the few creatures that was in that prison that deserves it. Another of which being Neron." Charlie said.

"And we are working on locating him." Sara said.

"Actually, I might have an idea on how to find him." Constantine said.

"I'm listening?" Sara asked.

"The way I learned of Neron in the first place is that he came into possession of the deed to my soul. If I can find out who owns it now, maybe I can get them to use it as bait to draw him in." Constantine said.

"That only works if Neron doesn't know it's a trap. I mean Charlie remembers everything, who's to say Neron won't too?" Sara asked.

"It's worth a shot at least." Constantine said and Sara nodded.

"Okay, but hurry back." Sara said.

"Will do love." Constantine said.

"Wait, where's he going?" Amaya asked.

"Hell." Sara said.

"You know what, I'm not even going to ask." Amaya said.

"Probably smart. So, Nora, while Constantine's gone, looks like you're our resident magic expert." Sara said and Nora nodded.

"Let's get started on our totem hunt." Ava said as they went their separate ways.

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