Chapter 46

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Later on that day, Sara, Ava, Ray, Mick, Nate, Amaya, Charlie, Wally and Jax were all gathered in the bridge while Constantine and Nora actually at Constantine's house, trying to find a location for the Fire Totem, Zari and Behrad were giving Adrianna a tour of the ship and Snart was also doing the same for Lisa.

"So, do we have enough bunks on the ship for all our new members?" was the first thing Jax asked.

"Actually, Constantine lives at his house with a time courier, since honestly, it's better for everyone if the nonsense he pulls off is not done on this ship, but even so, since Ava and I share a room and so do Ray and Nora and Nate and Zari, we should have room." Sara said.

"Anyways, what should we do while we wait for magicians to find a way to find Mallus and Neron, since they've already found a way to conceal the fire totem and we can't till Mallus without it." Charlie asked.

"I don't understand why we don't just go back in time and steal the totem before the demons do?" Nate asked.

"Because they'd likely be prepared for that. But, maybe there's another way we can beat them to the fire totem." Sara said.

"What do you mean?" Ava asked.

"I still have the spear of destiny locked up in our room. Honestly, I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I could just use the spear to alter reality so that we got the fire totem before Mallus did." Sara said.

"Why not just use it to kill him and Neron?" Mick asked.

"Because if there's one thing we've all learned, it's that using the spear for that kind of thing is a slippery slope. Oliver told me about how using a similar artifact called the book of destiny drove John Deegan insane. Then again, he wasn't exactly the most stable individual from what I hear. But at the same time, the megalomaniac known as Lex Luthor was able to use the book for the simple task of killing Superman on multiple earths while still maintaining whatever sanity he has left, simply because he kept his request small and simple. I think that the same logic applies here." Sara said and they couldn't argue with that logic.

"So, we use the spear to get the fire totem and then what, because something tells me that the spear won't reveal their location to us, since you seem intent on minimizing how much of its power you use." Charlie asked.

"I've already thought about that. Since Neron's plan revolves around using the monsters that escaped from the prison with him, we need to find them first. Ava, Nate, head to DC, tell Rip what's going on and see if we can get a containment facility put together for the creatures, since while I know that the plan was originally to relocate each peaceful one to a time period where it can blend in, we can't do that while Neron is on the loose." Sara said and they all nodded in agreement.

"As long as you give them their freedom eventually." Charlie said.

"We're not going to hold them indefinitely, except for ones like Mike the Spike, since he's crazy." Sara said.

"No arguments here." Charlie agreed.

"What about your magic lessons?" Ray asked.

"Let's get the fire totem first and then I'll consider it." Sara said, right as a time portal opened and Constantine and Nora entered.

"Actually lass, I think that it's now essential that you do take up magic." Constantine said.

"What do you mean?" Sara asked.

"One of the ways John and I tried tracking down Mallus was through my old connection to him, but he closed it off. But I'm not the only person on this ship he had a connection to." Nora said.

"You want to try to find Mallus by using me?" Sara asked.

"I know it's not ideal, but it would work." Constantine said.

"Fine, but it'll have to wait until after we get the fire totem, since we have a plan for that now and after I get back from Smallville." Sara said.

"Wait, why are you going to Smallville?" John asked.

"Ava, Ray, Nora and I were all invited to Superman's wedding, which is taking place in Smallville." Sara said.

"Why did you guys get invited?" Nate asked.

"Because Ray and I are the only ones who fought alongside him during the crisis and Ava and Nora are our plus ones." Sara said and Ray nodded.

"Let's just focus on getting the fire totem." Ava said, changing the topic.

"Right." Sara agreed as she went to retrieve the spear.

When Sara returned to the bridge, she found the whole team was waiting for her.

"What's the big deal about that piece of wood?" Adrianna asked.

"That piece of wood is the spear of destiny from Christian stories. It has the power to rewrite reality permanently and Sara is going to use it to get us the fire totem." Behrad explained.

"Okay, potentially stupid question, but if it can do that, why not just use the spear thingy to just fix the world and make things work the way they should?" Adrianna asked as Sara began the incantation to activate the spear, which began to glow as she did.

"That's not a stupid question and there are two reasons. The first one is that everyone has their own idea of how the world should work, so I don't think that anyone could truly consider it fixed. The second reason is more important, since if we did that, we'd be forcing our will on people and we're not dictators." Ava said, right as the spear released a blinding wave of energy.

"We're Legends." Sara said when the light faded and she held up her other hand to reveal the fire totem in it.

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