Chapter 43

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"So, what exactly are you working on?" Nora asked her boyfriend as she entered his lab.

"Since it sounds like Mallus found himself a new witch minion, I'm working on recreating the nanite gun I originally used on you before you and your dad kidnapped me." Ray said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that again." Nora said, a bit embarrassed.

"Hey, it's all forgiven. And honestly, at least I got in your dad's good books." Ray said.

"True." Nora agreed as she kissed his cheek.

"You don't have a problem with me making this gun do you?" Ray asked her.

"As long as you don't use it on me or my dad, we'll be fine." Nora assured him.

"You won't have to worry about me using it on your dad, Sara is another story." Ray said.

"She and my dad have an agreement. As long as he doesn't break bad, she won't put a sword through his chest." Nora said.

"I know, but we both know that she's likely waiting for him to slip up so she has an excuse to finally even the score with him." Ray said.

"I know. Which is why it's a good thing that the league of assassins is keeping an eye on him and he knows it. Especially since even if Sara can't get to him, Oliver Queen can." Nora said and Ray nodded.

"So, what's the plan now?" Ray asked.

"Well, Mallus beat us to the fire totem, though we have all the other ones." Nora said.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Ray asked.

"For right now, the plan is just try and prepare for whatever storm is coming while we wait for Constantine to get back from Hell." Nora said and Ray nodded.

"Speaking of which, let's hope that this trip to Hell goes a bit smoother than his last one." Ray said.

"Speaking of, there's something we need to talk about." Nora said.

"Okay and that is?" Ray asked.

"You know I love you and how kind and wonderful you are, but at the same time, there are also times that I hate it. Like for example, when you risked the entire planet just to save Nate's life." Nora said.

"I know, that wasn't my smartest decision, but Nora, I'd make it again in a heartbeat to save him or you or anyone else on this ship. It's just who I am." Ray said.

"I know, and I love that about you, but Ray, let's face it, we got incredibly lucky that Nate was willing to make that sacrifice, that at the same time, we might not get that lucky again. Besides, haven't you heard any of the stories or songs about people who make deals with demons? They always end badly." Nora said.

"I know." Ray said.

"No Ray, you really don't." Nora said.

"Nora, where's this coming from?" Ray asked.

"It's coming from concern over the fact that while everything may have worked out, we lost Zari, since she left the Waverider while her future was still in flux. If it weren't for Sara's martian friend, none of us would even remember her and Mallus might've beaten us to the water totem like he did the fire totem." Nora said.

"Nora, what do you want me to say?" Ray asked.

"I want you to promise me that unless you really have no other option, you won't make anymore deals with demons, even if it's to save a friend's life or even my life." Nora said.

"Wait what?" Ray asked.

"Ray, I've been a demon and I've gone through the pain of having someone I love become a demon at least twice. I'd rather die than have to go through that again. Promise me." Nora said and Ray sighed.

"Okay, I promise, unless I have no other option, I will not make anymore deals with demons, just to save a friend's life." Ray said, not liking that Nora was making him make this promise, but at the same time, he understood why she was.

"Hey, what's that?" Nora asked, now noticing the nearly completed blue fire ring that clearly looked like it was part of a spell in the corner of the lab.

"That would be where John left for Hell. He said he'd be back when the sigil was completed, which means that he should be back any minute now." Ray said, right as there was a slight explosion as Constantine appeared.

"Well, that was uncanny. How was Hell?" Nora asked him.

"I'll tell you about it after I have a drink." Constantine said.

"I'll let the team know you're back." Ray said and Constantine nodded as he headed towards the kitchen.

"Actually Dr. Palmer, I can inform the team, however, there is something I'd recommend you investigate immediately." Gideon said.

"What?" Ray asked.

"I believe that we are being hailed from 2014. In Pittsburgh." Gideon said, much to Ray's surprise.

"Shouldn't we wait until after John tells us what happened while he was in hell?" Nora asked.

"No, if anything, this will give him more time to get his head together." Ray said.

"Okay, so you're going to Pittsburgh?" Nora asked and Ray nodded.

"Gideon, prep the jumpship, I'll go check it out." Ray said.

"Not alone you aren't. This could be a trap." Nora said.

"Okay, so we'll check it out together." Ray said and Nora nodded as they headed towards the jumpship.

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