Chapter 32

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"So, which monster are we dealing with first?" Nate asked Sara as they flew through the timestream.

"Malice. We already have two totems, death and air, that leaves spirit, earth, fire and water. Gideon, set a return course to Zambezi, 1957." Sara said.

"Right away Captain." Gideon said.

"So we're going to get Amaya?" Ray asked.

"We need her spirit totem and that'll be the easiest totem for us to get, since for all we know, the earth, fire and water totems could be scattered in different locations in history this time around." Sara said and they all nodded.

"Okay, so what's the plan for the totem hunt?" Zari asked.

"While I'm in Zambezi, Nate, I want you hitting the books, looking for any sign of the other totems, John, Nora, I want you two to see if there's any kind of magical hocus pocus that can track them down, Ava, head to the Bureau, tell Rip what's going on and to put the Bureau's resources on it too." Sara said.

"Can I go too?" Nate asked.

"Okay, why?" Sara asked.

"Because of my dad." Nate said and now Sara understood.

"Go. And see if you can get your dad to back off on us a bit." Sara said and Nate nodded as he and Ava left.

"I might have another idea." Zari said.

"I'm listening." Sara said.

"It's a similar idea to the one Amaya had when we were searching for her totem. Maybe Behrad and I can use the air totem to reach out to the ancestral plane, see if we can find a location on the other totems." Zari said.

"Okay do it." Sara said as the ship left the temporal zone.

"We have arrived Captain." Gideon said.

"Perfect. Okay, we all have our assignments, now let's get to them." Sara said as they all left the bridge.

"Where are you going Raymond?" Snart asked Ray, since he hadn't been given orders.

"Sara has me working on rebuilding our time seismograph. It's how we detected problems in the timestream after the Oculus was destroyed." Ray said as he walked away.

"So, it looks like the two of us are the only ones left at the moment, so why don't we go have a little fun." Snart said.

"No." Mick said immediately.

"Excuse me." Snart asked.

"For one thing, there's nothing around here worth stealing and even there wasn't, the answer is no. Amaya's a good friend. She was the first one on this ship who actually trusted me after you died and she never treated me like an animal. I'm not going to rob her. Besides, I have a friend I need to visit. You're welcome to join me if you want." Mick said.

"Okay then, where are we going?" Snart asked.

"We're taking the jump ship to London, 1977." Mick said with a grin and now Snart curious on who Mick wanted to meet there.

"Who are we meeting there?" Snart asked.

"Trust me, it's someone you'd have to meet to believe." Mick said as he and Snart headed towards the jumpship.

"Why am I not surprised to find you waiting for me?" Sara asked Amaya when she found her standing at the edge of the village.

"Because I've been coming here every morning since the last time you came here waiting for you guys to come and recruit me. So, what is it now?" Amaya asked.

"Mallus is back and we need your totem to help kill him again." Sara said.

"Okay, I'm in." Amaya said.

"Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought it would be." Sara said and Amaya smiled.

"I have to admit, ever since you restored my memories, I have missed being on the ship and there are certain advantages about the future that I miss." Amaya said and Sara smiled.

"Well enjoy them while you can, because I'm bringing you back here after the mission is complete." Sara said.

"I know." Amaya said.

"Come on, time for you to rejoin the team." Sara said as she led Amaya back towards the ship.

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