Chapter 30

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"I have to admit, it was a lot easier to get the spear fragments this time around." Sara said with a shrug as they returned to the Waverider.

"So you got it." Ava asked.

"We did, and now we have all the pieces of the spear, which means we can use it to heal Zari." Sara said.

"Good timing Captain." Gideon said.

"What do you mean?" Sara asked.

"It would appear that Ms. Tarazi's vitals are worsening. I cannot keep her alive much longer if she does not regain some form of brainwave activity." Gideon said.

"Wally, get the other pieces of the spear now." Sara said and Wally nodded as he sped off and returned just as quickly with the other four fragments of the spear in his possession.

"Let's put this thing together." Sara said as Constantine joined them.

"I see I've arrived just in time." Constantine said.

"You have and why aren't you helping keep Zari alive?" Sara asked.

"Seems kind of unnecessary now that you've got a cure for her. However, I have to ask, what are you going to do now that you have the spear?" Constantine asked.

"Save Zari and then depower and destroy it." Sara said.

"I'm sorry, but you can't destroy it yet." John said.

"What do you mean?" Sara asked.

"Sometimes a magical artifact's power can only work if the artifact is intact." Constantine said.

"Explain please?" Ava asked.

"Look, I have done tremendous research on the spear over the years, it was a bit of a passion of mine if you will, but basically, what I learned is that it takes time for any reality change it causes to become permanent." John said.

"We already know that it would take time for reality to set, just like time." Rip said.

"Yes, but if the source of the change is destroyed before it finishes setting, it could become undone." Constantine said.

"So what you're saying is that if we destroy the spear right after we use it, it could end up undoing our efforts." Sara asked.

"Exactly and then we wouldn't have the spear at all." John said.

"Any ideas on how long it will take for the new reality to set?" Sara asked.

"No clue." Constantine said and Rip shook his head as well.

"Well we can't just leave one of the most powerful artifacts in the universe lying around." Ava asked.

"I could keep it at my house." John said.

"Not gonna happen." Sara said.

"Sara." Constantine said.

"You said it yourself, you've been searching for the spear for years, which means that you likely know exactly how to use it and I highly doubt you possess the willpower needed to keep from giving into your desires." Sara said.

"That's fair." Constantine admitted.

"So, what should we do with the spear?" Ava asked.

"Does the spear need to remain the way it is now or can I change who can use it?" Sara asked.

"What do you mean?" Constantine asked.

"I'm thinking that what happens if I change reality so the only person who can use the spear of destiny is the paragon of destiny. AKA, me." Sara said.

"Well, you wouldn't technically be inhibiting the spear's power, just inhibiting who could use it. But are you sure that you can resist it's power?" Constantine asked.

"She's done it before. Sara is probably one of the few people in the universe who can resist the spear's temptation." Rip said.

"The last time I used it, it helped me realize that everything I've endured led me to that moment, to prepare me and make sure I can make the right decision." Sara said as she combined the pieces of the spear back into their unified form.

"Okay then, time to save Zari." Sara said as she held the spear out in front of her, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Why isn't anything happening?" Ava asked curiously.

"Because she hasn't actually activated the spear yet." Rip said.

"Hello, trying to focus here." Sara said without opening her eyes.

"Right sorry." Ava said as Sara began the incantation.

"B'khi-eel. Ah-ash-lem-tu-on. K'i-aheen. Kh'det Bay-all-ma-ah." Sara said, the spear glowing brighter with each word she spoke until it activated, unleashing a bright flash of light as the reality change began.

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