Chapter 10

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Darhk was surprised by how skilled his opponent was. It was as if she somehow knew all his moves before he even made them, as if she'd been studying him for years. He was tempted to use his magic, but he didn't want to be seen as weak in front of his people, since he'd once been worthy of being the demon. It appeared that he had allowed himself to become too dependent on his magic. He made a note that once he'd killed this intruder who claimed to be Ra's, he'd rehone his sword skills.

"I have to admit, I am impressed with your skills. I suppose it is possible that you are Ra's." Darhk said and Sara grinned.

"So nice you believe it." Sara said sarcastically as she easily bested Darhk, since honestly, considering how many times she'd fought him, there wasn't a trick he had that she wasn't prepared for. Which was why after letting the fight drag out as long as she had, she eventually decided to end it, since it looked like right now Darhk was still a bit out of practice after depending on his magic for so long and while she knew she could resist it thanks to the tattoo, she decided to end this fight before Darhk even tried to use it.

So, she dodged his next thrust and then quickly proceeded to use her sword to slice off his hand holding the sword and quickly grabbed it, holding both swords to Darhk's neck as he looked shocked at what she'd done.

"Don't even think about it." Sara said threateningly.

"Do it. Kill me." Dahrk said.

"As much as I want to, I have a different fate in mind for you. John now." Sara shouted and Constantine nodded as he pulled out the memory gun and took a quick aim before shooting Darhk, restoring his memories and Sara removed her swords from his throat.

"Sara." Darhk said as Sara glared down on him.

"So, you remember me now?" Sara asked.

"I do. I'm assuming that you restored my memory of what happened so that way I'd know who you were when you killed me?" Darhk asked.

"Actually, I restored your memories in the hope that they'd cause you to give up your quest for power, after seeing all the pain that they caused you and more importantly, your daughter." Sara said.

"Nora. What happened to her after I died?" Darhk asked.

"She bounced around for a bit, but eventually, she got her life on track. She even helped us save the world from the demon Neron." Sara said.

"So, she was okay." Darhk asked.

"Yeah, but she missed you. Damien, Nora lost both of her parents and was raised by a demon cult to become the host of a demon because of your plans. Are you willing to put your daughter through that again? Especially since Oliver also remembers everything and if I don't kill you, he will." Sara said.

"You restored my memories to give me a chance to be a better father?" Darhk asked.

"I did it for you daughter. If it weren't for her, I'd have killed you without a second thought. Either way, I'm not leaving here until my father and my sister are safe from you." Sara said as she held up her swords.

"I meant what I said back on the Waverider. I am truly sorry for what I did to Laurel, since now I finally understand the pain I caused her. You've given me a second chance Sara. A second chance to be the father my daughter deserves." Darhk said.

"Good. Because even though I gave up the ring, the league will be keeping tabs on you from now on. And if it appears that you are falling into old habits, well, Oliver will be alerted to your location, since both of Ra's daughters, Talia and Nyssa, remember the truth and they are both Oliver's allies." Sara said.

"Don't worry. I will be taking my family into hiding and I will be training Nora in how to use her magic to make sure she doesn't do anything that indicates her going down the same path I did." Darhk said.

"That's fine, since we are planning on recruiting her future self, since honestly, I think you raised a legend." Sara said with a smile.

"Brilliant." Darhk mumbled.

"It means that despite everything she went through, Nora turned out alright." Sara said, since she decided not to tell him about Ray. That was something for Ray and Nora to tell him themselves.

"I guess so. Until we meet again Captain Lance." Darhk said.

"Until we meet again. And hopefully I won't have to kill you when we do." Sara said and Darhk nodded.

"Okay, so are we good here?" Constantine asked.

"Yeah. We're done. Let's go home." Sara said, very eager to see her family again.

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