Chapter 2

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Before she could return to Star City, considering what Oliver had told her about the repercussions of the last time Ra's had been killed, Sara decided that she needed to pay a visit to a certain monastery in Russia.

Which was where she was headed when she heard someone walk up behind her. Sara immediately whirled around, only to calm down when she saw it was only J'onn behind her.

"J'onn, not that it isn't good to see you, but how'd you find me?" Sara asked.

"I can fly and read minds. Wasn't hard to find you here, though I have to ask why didn't you go home to Star City?" J'onn asked.

"I have a loose end that I need to take care of first." Sara said.

"What do you mean?" J'onn asked.

"You know my history, the League?" Sara asked.

"If you'll allow me access to your memories, I will in a moment." J'onn said and Sara nodded as his eyes glowed allowing him to read her mind, but he also detected something odd.

"What?" Sara asked.

"I can't explain it, but your memories, it's as if there's some kind of interference. Like your memories have been overwritten with new ones." J'onn said.

"A change to the timeline." Sara realized.

"Excuse me?" J'onn asked.

"Before the crisis, my team must've caused a change in the timeline that altered our memories. Can you restore them?" Sara asked.

"I can try." J'onn said as he placed his hand on Sara's temple and his eyes glowed as he attempted to restore whatever memories Sara was missing.

"Zari." Sara said.

"I'm sorry?" J'onn asked.

"During a mission, my team and I changed the timeline that directly affected one of our members, Zari Tarazi. If she'd stayed in the temporal zone like I'd ordered, she wouldn't have been affected, but she did and in doing so, she changed her future and made it so that her brother joined the legends instead of her." Sara explained and J'onn nodded.

"It looks like this will come in handy in more ways than one." J'onn said as he pulled out a familiar looking gun.

"A memory gun." Sara said.

"Designed to replicate my powers, but to have the same effect as the one Ray told Cisco he built." J'onn said and Sara nodded.

"So, this gun will basically hit reset on their brains. Restore their memories of both the old earth and the old timeline." Sara said and J'onn nodded.

"Exactly. Now I'll leave you to wrap up whatever business you need to deal with here before you can go home." J'onn said as he flew away.

"Let's just hope it's that simple." Sara said as she entered the monastery to find Talia's students sparring until they turned to face her.

"What are you doing here?" one of the students asked.

"I need to have words with your teacher." Sara said.

"And who are you?" another student asked.

"I am Ra's al Ghul." Sara said, since while she'd given control of the league to Nyssa, they didn't know that and she could take the role back whenever she wanted.

"Liar." one of the students said as they lunged at her, only for Sara to cut through them like cake, easily beating the crap out of them, and if she was honest, enjoyed it.

Finally, they heard someone shout "Hold."

Sara looked up to see Talia standing there.

"Leave us." Talia said as her students departed.

"Who are you and why do you bear my father's title?" Talia asked.

"Your father is dead. Killed in League combat." Sara said.

"And you killed him." Talia accused.

"Yes. To get my freedom from the league. Your sister is now in command and I have her word that if you attempt to seek vengeance against me for the death of your father, she will set the entire might of the League down upon you, since she saw your father for what he has really become. A monster who was perverting the League to further his own agenda." Sara said.

"You're lying." Talia said.

"I'm not and you know it. You know what your father became. Otherwise you wouldn't have left him. You started to make sure that the League's true principles survived. Your father died while he still had some sense of honor left in him. And I offered him the chance to yield." Sara said.

"But he refused, preferring to die than live with disgrace of defeat." Talia said and Sara nodded.

"He's gone, but that also means that you're free of him. Free of his influence. You can go back and help Nyssa do the same to the League. You can return it to its roots and turn it into something better. A league of heroes." Sara said.

"Not interested." Talia said.

"Okay, time to see if J'onn's toy works." Sara said, since she figured that just restoring Talia's memories would save her time and save Oliver a headache later.

"What are you?" Talia asked, barely having time to react as Sara pulled out the memory gun and blasted her with it.

"What did you do to me?" Talia asked her head hurt for a few moments.

"I restored your memories of how things were before the crisis. Figured it would be the easiest way to convince you. I didn't restore Nyssa's memories, simply because I didn't have access to the necessary tech at the time, but I did manage to convince her to give you a chance, should you choose to return to the league, not as your superior, or you as her's, but as equals." Sara said.

"The league has never had two leaders before." Talia said.

"It's never had a woman lead it before either. Times have changed Talia and the league should change to. Oliver told me about the work you were doing with Thea before the crisis. Why not carry on that goal with Nyssa, give you both a real chance at becoming sisters." Sara said.

"I suppose the world does need a league of heroes more than it needs a league of assassins." Talia said

"So does that mean we've reached an agreement?" Sara asked.

"I will not aid Adrian Chase, since Oliver has not done anything to wrong in this timeline, though I urge you to advise him to be cautious in that matter, since he repeats his mistakes, Adrian will find someone to teach him, even if it is not me." Talia said.

"I will tell him." Sara said.

"Could you also deliver a message to Thea for me if she remembers?" Talia asked.

"Depends on what it is?" Sara asked.

"I greatly enjoyed working with her before. Tell that if she chooses to return to the league, she will always be welcome." Talia said and Sara smiled.

"I will give her the message. Now I need to get going. Safe travels Talia." Sara said.

"And to you as well Sara." Talia said as Sara exited the monastery.

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