Chapter 36

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"So, this is where our sister works?" Behrad asked as he and Zari got off the jumpship in the year 2042 in front of a decently sized building.

"Yep. My company has a bigger building." Zari said a bit smugly, causing Behrad to roll his eyes at her.

"Seriously Zari, could you have a bigger head?" Behrad asked.

"Whatever, let's just get in there, get the totem and get out before I gag on whatever crap Adrianna is currently dousing herself with." Zari said, wrinkling her nose at the smell of the perfume that she could smell from outside the office.

"On that we agree." Behrad said as they headed inside to find Adrianna, who looked like a light brown haired version of Zari, waiting for them.

"Zari, I wasn't expecting you to get here so quickly, especially after you basically dropped off the grid." Adrianna said, confusing them both.

"What are you talking about?" Zari asked.

"I need your help and only yours." Adrianna said.

"Yeah sure, just pretend like you don't see me at all." Behrad said.

"I'm sorry Behrad, it's good to see you, but this is something that I need Zari's help with. We'll catch up later. Assuming you and Zari don't disappear again." Adrianna said and for a second, both Zari and Behrad could hear a bit of hurt in their sister's voice before Zari nodded and let their sister practically drag her towards her office.

"Okay so, what's going on?" Zari asked after Adrianna locked the door to her office.

"There's something wrong with my totem." Adrianna said and Zari rolled her eyes.

"I'm surprised you even know where it is. And of course there's something wrong with it, mama and baba gave it to you." Zari said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Adrianna asked.

"You don't deserve that totem. You're nothing more than a spoiled brat who doesn't use the totem for anything more than an accessory." Zari said.

"You think you know me so well don't you. But then again, I wouldn't expect the golden girl to take the time to actually get to know her spoiled little sister." Adriana said.

"What are you talking about?" Zari asked.

"Please, we all know you're mama and baba's favorite. After all, I didn't get famous until Mitra came into my life, but you, you were always amazing. A natural born tech prodigy, a natural with the air totem, I've lost track of how many times I've heard mama and baba say they wish I could be more like my big sister, I mean, you can even just drop off the face to the planet without a trace and they still think of as the favorite." Adrianna said, shocking Zari.

"I didn't know you felt that way about me." Zari said, honestly feeling guilty.

"Well, we haven't been close in awhile." Adrianna said and Zari nodded.

"Not since you became Dragon Girl and I guess we're both to blame for that." Zari said and Adrianna nodded.

"I have to admit, I have missed my big sister." Adrianna said and Zari smiled.

"And while Behrad is great, I missed my little sister too. How about we try to start over, clean slate. Maybe even become real sisters again." Zari said and Adrianna smiled.

"I'd like that." Adrianna said as the Tarazi sisters hugged.

"Now, what did you mean something was wrong with your totem?" Zari asked, though she had an idea.

"It's out of control. I don't know if it's because I'm a bit rusty or what. All I know is that it feels like it's gone wild." Adrianna said and Zari sighed.

"I think I know what's going on and I know how to help, but I'm gonna need you to trust me." Zari said.

"You're my sister and we may not have been close until now, but yes, I trust you." Adrianna said.

"Good. Remember that. I just need to have Behrad get something for me and then we can hopefully solve this problem." Zari said as she pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Behrad to go back to the ship and get them the lyoga root tea.

After Adrianna's assistant delivered the tea that Behrad had given her, Zari poured one cup for her and another Adrianna.

"What exactly is tea going to do?" Adrianna asked, confused.

"It's lyoga root tea. It's a hallucinogenic tea." Zari said.

"Don't tell me we're doing the same stoner crap I know Behrad is doing." Adrianna said and Zari chuckled.

"No, we're not. The Lyoga root is a powerful hallucinogen that originates from Zambesi." Zari said.

"Just like our totems." Adrianna realized and Zari nodded.

"According to a friend of mine who's actually from Zambesi, this tea isn't just used as a hallucinogen in Zambesi, it's also has powerful spiritual healing properties, which I've confirmed." Zari said.

"What do you mean?" Adrianna asked.

"We can use the tea to travel inside the water totem so we can discover what is going on with it, since I've sensed the air totem growing stronger too. I'm betting it's not a coincidence." Zari said and Adrianna nodded as she took a cup from Zari and drank it with Zari doing the same.

"Okay, now what?" Adrianna asked as Zari removed her totem.

"Now, we meditate and let the lyoga root take us inside the water totem." Zari said as they sat down and began to meditate, causing the water totem to glow around Adrianna's neck.

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