Chapter 7

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"Okay so, since we're not exactly having any luck finding Ghosts, what's plan B?" Nate asked when Mick and Snart returned from their patrol empty handed.

"Luckily, I have a backup plan that actually comes from Heyworld." Sara said as she looked at Constantine.

"Wait, are we singing again?" Mick groaned and Sara laughed.

"No, I meant Constantine can use a glamor on us to make us look like Ghosts. I'm sure that considering how many there are, no one will notice a couple of extra ones." Sara said.

"That's actually not a bad plan. I can then open up a vortex directly into the base." Constantine said.

"That'll be Mick and Snart's entrance and exit strategy for the base, since they're going in to do recon and plant this at the security center." Sara said as she handed Mick the device Ray had created.

"What is that?" Snart asked.

"It's a video hacker. Plant it in the security center of the base and Ray will be able to tap into Hive's entire security system, cameras, doors, all of it." Sara said.

"Got it. So, is this just a plant and run thing?" Mick asked.

"Not if you don't want to blow our cover by letting them find the device." Ray said.

"So what you're saying is that we need to stay with the device until Raymond has completed the uplink with Hive's system?" Snart asked.

"Exactly. I know that's a bit inconveniencing, but it'll be worth it." Ray said.

"Agreed. Considering it will give us access to all of Hive's security protocols, it's worth the risk." Snart agreed.

"Why aren't we all just going in at once?" Nate asked.

"Because we'd be going in blind. We need to know what we're dealing with, otherwise, we risk none of us surviving." Sara said.

"Wow, she really is a better captain than Hunter." Snart said and Mick nodded.

"You'll go in tomorrow. Gather intelligence and try not to get caught." Sara said and they all nodded.

After Constantine performed the glamor on Snart and Rory, he opened a vortex into what they knew was Hive's base.

"Remember, we'll be in your ears the whole time and if anything goes wrong, we'll jump in and resort to plan b, which is burn the place down." Sara said.

"Why can't that be Plan A?" Mick asked.

"Because something tells me that this base is not the full extent of Hive's operations. I want to get as much intel as possible so that way when I go back to Star City, I can give Oliver and Nyssa what they need to bring Hive down once and for all." Sara said and Mick nodded.

"We'll get what you need." Snart promised before they walked through the vortex.

It took them a little while to find the surveillance center, but once they did, Snart signaled Ray.

"Okay boy scout, we're at the cyber center, what do we do now?" Snart asked.

"Find an unused terminal and plug the device in. It'll take about 5 minutes to establish the uplink, but once I do, I'll be able to access everything in the database, including the security system and floor plans of the base. Once the uplink is complete, pull the device out and then get out of there before you get made." Ray said.

"5 minutes, I'm gonna go look around." Mick said.

"Wait Mick, that's not the plan." Snart said.

"It's fine. One of you needs to stay with the drive, the other can do some physical recon." Sara said and Snart nodded, wondering when this became the plan, but deciding to go along with it as Mick walked off while he planted the drive.

"Why are you letting Mick wander off?" Ray asked Sara.

"Because we don't have time to argue, besides, Darhk's smart enough to know not to keep everything on a computer." Sara said and Ray nodded.

"Fair enough. Snart planted the hacker and while I may not be as proficient as Felicity or Zari, I know a thing or two. Five minutes and we'll have everything we need." Ray said.

"Good. John, be prepared to get them out of there." Sara said.

"Always am." Constantine assured her.

"Good, let's get this done." Sara said, just wanting to get this over with already.

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