Chapter 28

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"Think we should pay a visit to Carter and Kendra while you're here?" Sara asked Rip as they headed back towards the ship.

"No. Honestly, considering how many times they've reincarnated, it's too risky. We don't know how much of their memories would be restored." Rip said and Sara nodded in understanding.

"Well, at least we got Rex's piece of the spear. That just leaves one more." Sara said.

"Yes and hopefully this time my visit to Charles won't involve his death." Rip said, since it was clear he was still feeling guilty about that.

"Hey, that wasn't your fault. Thawne brainwashed you. And besides, from what I've heard, he doesn't need the spear right now, since his existence is no longer threatened." Sara said.

"I hope so. We've gotten every other piece of the spear, now we just need to get that last one and that will likely be the hardest one to get." Rip said.

"We'll worry about that once we get there. Now come on, everyone's waiting." Sara said as they returned to the ship.

"So, did you get it?" Ava asked as Sara and Rip returned to the ship.

"We did." Sara said as she held out the piece of the spear.

"Four down, one to go." Ray said.

"Yeah, now strap in, this is going to be a long ride, since we're going forward about 11 centuries or so." Sara said.

"Prepare for potential side effects." Rip said as they all strapped themselves in.

"Gideon, plot a course for Detroit, the year 3000." Sara said.

"I'm afraid that is inadvisable captain." Gideon said.

"Why?" Ava asked.

"I'm afraid that Ms. Tarazi's condition is only being worsened the more we time travel. The only reason she is still stable is because we have been making small jumps, but a jump from the 1990s all the way to the year 3000." Gideon said.

"That could kill her." Sara said.

"Indeed and I am afraid that the same thing would happen if we tried several smaller jumps. Her condition is simply too fragile to risk subjecting her to more time travel." Gideon said.

"Okay then, new plan." Sara said.

"And that is?" Ava asked.

"Rip and I will take the time courier to 3000, I need you to keep watch on the ship." Sara said and Ava nodded.

"Do you have any idea where our criminals are?" Ava asked.

"Gideon is scanning local news reports for them, but honestly, as long as they don't do anything to alter history, I say let them have their fun." Sara said.

"Are you serious?" Ava asked.

"I have a deal with Mick. I'll let him get away with stealing under two conditions. First one is that he doesn't alter history and the second is that he gives a cut of whatever he makes from selling his goods to the ship, since it couldn't hurt to have some extra cash lying around. He didn't mind, since it seemed like a win-win situation." Sara explained.

"Got it. So we're just letting Mick and Snart run around 1992 without a care in the world?" Ava asked.

"I'd rather let them do that then keep them cooped up on the ship. Trust me, when Mick gets bored, things get ugly." Sara said.

"Okay, I can't argue with that." Ava said.

"Exactly. Anyways, I need you, Ray and Behrad to protect the spear fragments we have, since Nate doesn't want to leave Zari's side and I need John and Nora to devote all their efforts to keeping Zari alive until we've assembled the spear and I can use it to save her." Sara said and Ava nodded.

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