Chapter 18

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"Okay so now that the team is back together, what is our plan for taking down Savage?" Ray asked.

"Wait, where are Constantine, Nora and Charlie?" Ava asked.

"Charlie is once again trapped in Mallus's prison and John and Nora are working on a way to let her out without releasing Mallus, Neron, Tabitha and all the other evil creatures out, but still letting out all the peaceful ones and relocating them throughout time in a place that they'd fit in without drawing attention to themselves or disrupting history. At least until we can find a better place for them, so it's just the people on this ship right now for taking down Savage, which should be more than enough. Nate, you've still got your powers right?" Sara asked as Nate just turned to steel to prove it.

"And Ray, what's the status on your suit?" Sara asked and Ray smiled as he pulled the suit out.

"Before I left to help you deal with Darhk, I talked to Cisco about making it and by the time I got back to Central City, it was done." Ray said.

"Perfect, but after we deal with Savage, I want you to take the jump ship to Liberty Colorada and get enough of the stuff to build your suit and have enough to build the shrink ray as well, since we don't exactly have Firestorm anymore. Why didn't you recruit them by the way?" Sara asked Rip.

"Well for one thing, at the point in time that I recruited the rest of you, Jax and Stein were still merged into an unstable form and I couldn't disrupt the timeline." Rip said.

"I'm not complaining, I don't think any of us want the pain of Stein's death on our consciences again." Sara said and the others nodded.

"What about the Hawks? Last time I checked, they were the only ones who could kill the bastard?" Snart asked.

"Not anymore. After you died, we discovered another way to do it." Sara said.

"I'm listening." Snart said.

"After we took out the Time Masters, Savage decided to take on a new plan. Instead of ruling the world, he'd initiate a ritual that would erase time. However, that same radiation he was planning on unleashing may have given him his immortality, but it also does the opposite." Sara said.

"So what you're saying is that Savage's master plan is his downfall." Snart said.

"Exactly. He's planning on detonating three meteorites. And that's when we nail him." Sara said.

"Sara, there's still one flaw in that plan." Ray said.

"What?" Nate asked.

"The meteorites require blood from Savage, Carter and Kendra to be activated." Ray said.

"And I'm betting that in the long amount of time that Savage has spent murdering them, incarnation after incarnation, he would've collected it." Sara pointed out.

"I can confirm that Captain." Gideon said.

"Great. Gideon, have you located the time periods Savage is operating in?" Sara asked.

"Yes, it would appear that he is operating in the same time periods he did before." Gideon said.

"Okay then, we divide and conquer." Sara said.

"What's the plan captain?" Ray asked.

"We divide up into three groups. Snart and Rory, you two are taking out Savage in 1958." Sara said.

"And what exactly do we do with the meteorite to keep it from destroying the world?" Snart asked.

"The Time courier." Rip said and Sara realized what he meant.

"Of course. Ray, the time courier is ready right?" Sara asked and Ray nodded.

"What's the plan?" Ray asked.

"Use the time courier to send the meteorite to the vanishing point, let it detonate there, where there's nothing for it to destroy, since Savage already blew it up and since it's outside time and space, nothing else should be affected." Sara said as she looked at Rip to confirm, who nodded.

"Got it." Mick said.

"Ray, Nate and Zari, you three take out Savage in 1975 then Ray, you use your suit to shrink the meteorite." Sara said.

"And what about the rest of us?" Behrad asked.

"We are going to 2021 to take out modern Savage. Ava, Rip and I will handle the ground troops while Behrad uses the Waverider to send the meteorite into the sun." Sara said, since Behrad did not have a totem right now, so she wanted to keep him out of the line of fire.

"Sounds like a much better plan than anything Rip ever came up with." Snart said.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again. Ms. Lance is a far superior captain than I ever was." Rip said and Sara smiled.

"Alright Legends, let's move out." Sara said as they moved to put their plan into action.

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