Chapter 22

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I drop and curl into a ball after I read the message. Who couldve written it? And why are they after me?

I feel a hand rubbing against my back. "Shhh shhh its ok sweetie. Its all going to be ok." I hear Andy say.

He wipes away a tear. I didnt even know I was crying. I slowly get up and run to a bathroom.

I hear the boys shouting at me but I ignore it. I lock myself in the bathroom and grab a box I had hidden under the sink.

Slowly I grab out a fresh blade. I cut my stomach so no one knows Im cutting again. It feels so right.

Suddenly an idea comes to mind. I have to explain it to the guys, but Im positive it'll work.

I unlock the bathroom after cleaning my cuts and walk out. The guys are at the guest room's (currently my room) door. They are currently banging on the door.

As a prank I decide to open the door as fast as I can and scream. The guys yelp in response. I am currently on the floor rolling while having fits of laughter.

The guys are glaring at me when I suddenly remember my plan. "Guys I have a plan on how to get rid of Mary once and for all." Well what is it?" They ask.

"A seiance on a ouji board. Of course we will have to get one first but this plan will have to work!" I explain. "We will do it tomorrow." Joe says.

Tomorrow...wait tomorrow is my birthday! I cant believe I forgot! I will finally be 16.

After the guys go to their room I go to bed. I cant wait to go shopping...


"Stop please stop!"

"Oh shut up. You deserve it." Dad says. He grabs a knife and starts cutting me.

Pete walks in with a brander. "This'll be fun." He say. He burns "bitch" all over me.


Joe comes in with a machete. He walks up to me. He stabs me repeatedly. Then he slowly raises it to my head. He smirks and brings it down. The whole time i was completely naked.

•••dream over•••

I wake up in a cold sweat and tears. I walk to the bathroom and wash away the tear stains.

Since I couldnt go back to sleep I decided to watch the Walking Dead on Netflix. I slowly nod off to sleep.

My eyes open slowly to four grown men standing around me. "What the hell..." I mutter.

I look at the clock and see its noon. Damn I slept late. "Can we go shopping?" I ask. "Anything for you birthday girl." Dad says.

•••after shopping (too lazy to write it)•••

Ugh my feet hurt. We went to over 10 different stores and got like 5 bagfuls of things in each. It took us forever to find a ouji board.

Oh yeah we still have to preform a seiance. I get up and light the candles. I call dad in and we begin.

We put our hands on the board and say "clear this soul and homes of this soul of all evil spirits" (a/n i dont know how these things work so bear with me) The candles go out and the board sets on fire.

The fire goes out as quickly as it started. There was this whooshing sound. I guess we were done.

"It worked! It really worked!" I screamed in joy. All dad could do was smile.

"This was the best birthday ever." I thought as I fell asleep.

I woke up to Mary sitting on me. "WHAT THE FUCK I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD?!!!!?" I scream. "Thats what I wanted you to think." Mary said. Then she disappeared.


Lol you guys must hate me now... Mary aint dead! Comment whether you want mary dead or alive. And i made the ouji board thing because i was listening to where did the party go. And hope u liked the pictire!


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