Chapter 20

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I wake up to a beeping noise. My body hurts like a bitch. I try to sit up, but yelp in pain.

"Oh my god! Thank god your awake!" Dad says with tears running down his face. "How long was I asleep?" I ask.

It didn't feel like too long. "A week." Dad says. Ok it really didn't feel like that long...

My phone goes off. It's a text from Brandon. "We are over. Your an emo slut and I don't want anything to do with you. Beside... I've been sleeping with Alyssa."

I start crying. The room around me starts to enclose. I can't breathe at all.
The last thing I see are doctors walks in before I black.

•••few hours later•••

When my eyes open I look around the room. "What happened..." I silently mutter to myself. "You had a panic attack. Do you have any idea what could have caused it?" Dad asks.

It all comes back to me. Tears start flooding down my face. Why do I always have to be such a baby?

I grab my phone and show dad the text. "PETE! GET IN HERE!" Dad yells. He looks really pissed.

Maybe I shouldn't have shown him the message...Pete comes rushing in.

"Is everything okay?" Pete asks. "Watch her." is all that dad says before he storms out of the room.

"Whoa what happened?" Pete asks as dad start screaming out profanity over my phone. I tell Pete what happened.


Then he punches the wall. Bad idea telling him I guess...

Dad walks back in. "What'd he say?" I ask dad.

"He said he didn't send that. Then I kinda blew up at him. Let's just say you won't be hearing from him for a while." I smile, glad that dad did that.

"Sooo when am I getting out of this hell hole." I ask.

"Well the doctor said that you could be discharged at the end of the depending on how you feel." I let out a scream of joy.

•••later that week•••

I finally got discharged. My burns still hurt like hell but are healing. I hope I don't have to go back to that stupid hospital again for a while.

"What do you want to do on your day of freedom?" Pete asks jokingly.

"How many new episodes of the Walking Dead have I missed?" I ask.

Dad laughs. "Don't worry I recorded them for you. Oh by the way since the house burnt down we've been staying at Meagan's."

Oh joy... did I mention how much I hate her and how much she hates me?

Every time we are alone together she complains about how I use all of Pete's and dad's money and how much of a spoiled brat I am. Dad and I both hate her but we deal with her for Pete's sake.

"And here we are!" Pete announces. Oh joy... Meagan is out on the yard waiting for us. When she sees me come out, she rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"Oh lookey here. The beat decides to show her ugly little face." I really want to go up to her and slap that smile off her face, but Pete would wring my neck.

Bronx comes running up to me. Awe. He hugs me gently. "Are you okay now?" He asks in his adorable voice.

"Yea. I'm almost completely better now." I say.

"You'll be sharing a room with me." Dad says.

Well atleast I don't have to be near the queen bitch. She doesn't even like Pete. She just wants his money.

"Okay. Can you show me the room?" I ask. Dad nods and helps me walk to my room before Meagan stops him.

"Oh there is no way in hell that thing is staying in my house." She says pointing me to me.

"If she isn't staying then I'm not staying." Dad says. "Goodbye then." Meagan says with a wave of her hand.

Pete just stands there with his mouth wide open. When he finally manages to speak he says "If they aren't aloud to stay then we are over."

"Whatever. Guess we are over then." Meagan says. Pete just smirks and go grabs out stuff.

After we put them in the car and start driving I ask "Where are we gonna stay?" Dad just says in response "Someplace safe."


Just a little note I have absolutely nothing against Meagan. I honestly think she is a beautiful women. I'm just making her mean for stories sake.

Anyways... Lily lives! Where will they go? What is safe now?

~Kerigan da 🌚

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