Chapter 43

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"I killed Patrick." Brendon whispered. Now, I know this is wrong, but I started cheering. Brendon's sorrow face started to smile. "Wait, would he have burned in the fire?" I ask.

Brendon sighs. "He got out. He was coming to finish what he and Mary started. When I was driving to the hospital a few weeks ago, I saw him walking to the hospital. So out of rage I ran him over."

"That didn't kill him. It only injured him. When I saw he was still alive, I grabbed a knife from under the seat and I walked up to him and stabbed him repeatedly. Later I burned his body." He explained. By the end, tears were running down his face.

My mouth was gaped open the entire time. I can't believe it. Brendon had the guts to do all that for me. My gaping mouth quickly turned to a smile.

Before I could speak, the doctor walked back into the room. He clears his throat and says, "Your daughter can come home anytime she wants. All you have to do is discharge her. But if she has any bad headaches or if she feels dizzy, bring her back here immediately." He says. Then he smiles and walks out of the room.

"Yes! I can finally come home!!" I scream, causing me to get many stares from nurses and other patients. I shrug at them and jump out of the horrid hospital bed.

•••after the check out thing•••

"WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP IN OUR FAVORITE ROCKET SHIP ZOOMING THROUGH THE SKY! LITTLE EINSTEIN'S! GET READY TO EXPLORE CAUSE THERE'S SO MUCH MORE! LITTLE EINSTEIN'S!" I screamed the entire way home. The doctors put me on some medication that made me crazy. The crazier part is was that Brandon was singing with me.


As soon a the car pulls into the driveway, I jump out and run into my bedroom. On my bed was a shit ton of bears and flowers. I'm not even kidding there were like 30 stuffed animals and and few vases of flowers.

"Most of them are from Patrick's family apologizing for what he did. They feel really bad about it." Brendon said from behind me. I jump at the sound of his voice. He laughs when I do. "Ha ha yes very funny. Now I am going to go shower." I say. Brendon nods and leaves the room.

As I strip off my clothes and enter the shower, I feel at peace and clean. Apparently its been months since I showered last. It feels good too.


I stay in there for a good hour. After getting dressed, I run downstairs to see my entire family down there. By family I mean 3/4 of Fall Out Boy and the rest of Panic!. We chat and goof off for a good 3 hours. Everyone except Andy and I were drunk.

It was pretty amusing watching them all be idiots. Pete and Dallon were in the pool trying tip get Joe, Spencecer and Brendon in with them. Andy and I were on a lawn couch watching. I was actually laying on Andy. Don't judge! I was very tired. Surprisingly, just waking up from a coma can be very tiring. Slowly, I nod off to sleep on Andy.

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