Chapter 18

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"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED???IS ANYONE HURT?????!!!!???" Dad yells. Pete and I say yes.

When we look in the car for the driver, we don't see one. All we see is a note. "Soon it'll be you and your little family in the car."-Mary.

•••Next Day•••

Alyssa texted. She doesn't want to be my friend anymore. She said I was being an inconsiderate little bitch.

Tears start rolling down my face. I start walking to the bathroom and grab my secret stash of razor. I hiss in pain but am happy by the pain as I start cutting my arms.

I make 20 cuts in all. Then I realize something. Alyssa never came to visit me,let alone text me this whole time.

Not to mention she started ditching me and Brandon at school for Mary. Screw her. I decide to walk downstairs and get a piece of pizza.

It's around 5 pm now and there is a Walking Dead marathon on. I run to the tv and put amc on.

I stay up till around midnight watching it. Pete and dad were out recording a new track. I convinced them to go for the fans.

I walk up to dad's room and eventually fall asleep.

•••Next Morning•••

I wake up to the amazing smell of blueberry waffles. I guess it was a good recording session. I put on some Panic! At The Disco and go take a shower.

After I'm done I put on my eyeliner. I attempt to do the winged look but fail miserably. I walk downstairs and see a plateful of amazing smelling waffles.

I eat them all. There's a note on the counter from dad. It said "out recording. Call if you need anything."

Sweet. Another day to myself. I go upstairs and grab a box of navy blue hair dye. Yup. That's right. I'm dying my stupid blonde hair.

•••two hours later•••

My hair is done. I go downstairs and watch the Walking Dead. I finish the 3rd season by the time Pete and Dad get back

"What the fuck happened to your hair???" Pete says. "I dyed it. Duh." I reply. They roll their eyes and walk off to go shower.

When their done we go out for pizza. Yes, we are pizza obsessed. It's an amazing addiction.

We end the night in a pizza fight. You can imagine what it ended like.


Hey peeps sorry for not updating in a while. I've been stuck after school every freakin day for gifted. It's torture. And the afterwords I have a ton of homework. Anyways... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 400 READS!!! I didn't think this book would even get 100... Btw sorry this chapter was so crappy.

-Kerigan da ear👂

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