Chapter 26

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I wake up and immediately run to the

Ugh I hate being sick. My thought were interrupted by Brendon coming into my room.

"Hey I'm...are you ok?" he asks. "Yea" I croak "so what are you doing?"

"Oh um Dallon, Spencer, and I are going out. They'll be here any minute. They may want to meet you. Do you mind meeting them." He asks.

"Do you think itd be the best idea?" I say after what feels like sneezing my guts out.

"I doubt they'd care. Besides, you are adorable!" Brendon says. Before I
I could respond the doorbell rings.

Brendon runs downstairs to answer it. I run to the bathroom and throw up my "lunch"(which was only a few crackers).

When I get back to my room Brendon's on my bed. He half smiles and says "They guys want you to come to dinner with us. But it all depends on how you're feeling."

My response was a bunch of coughing. "Point taken," he says jokingly,"but do you want to meet them?"

Hmmm...should I? They are supposed to be really funny. I shrug my shoulders and smile.

Brendon claps his hands and screams out a very loud yes.

"But give me 10 minutes to get ready." I manage to say. My throat still hurt like hell. Brendon nods his head and skips down to the guys.

I laugh and go put on some make up. I attempt to fix my face to look like I'm not sick, but it doesn't work to well.

I sigh and put on some decent clothes. Ugh. Here we go again... I run to the bathroom and get sick. Again.

I brush my teeth and go downstair. All of the eyes go on me. Smiles break out on their faces.

Dallon runs up to hug me but I back away. He gives me a confused look. Brendon gets why. He explains.

"Oh yea... I may have forgot to mention that she has a really bad case of the flu..." He says.

I nod in response. I mouth the word sorry. The guys just nod their head and smile.

"Well I don't care if I get sick. You're getting a hug." Dallon says. He wraps his arms around me.

I smile and he lets go. Spencer came next. He gave a tight squeeze. When he lets go I say "It was nice to meet you" in my barely audible voice.

"It was our pleasure." They both say at the same time. I smile and they smile back. It felt good to have some friends.

Spencer comes up to me and whispers in my ear "Can we be best friends?". I don't know what to say so I nod my head and smile.

"I GOTS A NEW FRIEND! YOU CANT HAVE HER!" He yells. I smile and laugh. Shit... why now?

I run to my bathroom and lock the door. Why couldn't it just wait an hour? I hear pounding at my door.

After I'm done getting sick, I change into sweats and wash off my make up. I start coughing so hard I cant breathe.

God this sucks. I open the door and flop on my bed. Brendon walks in and puts his hand on my head. "Here. And make sure to sleep."

He gives me some Nyquil. Before I fall asleep I see the guys walk in and kiss my forehead.

•••later that night•••

I wake up to a large crash. I run down to see what it was. It was just one of Brendon's dogs being an idiot.

I don't know why but I wanna go swimming. I'm already in comfort wear that I usually go swimming in.

But unfortunately as soon as I get into the pool Brendon walks in. "What the hell do you think your doing?!? Do you want to get even more sick than you already are??" He asks.

As if on cue, I have a sneezing fit. Brendon pulls me out of the pool and takes me to my room.

I take off my wet clothes and put on my dry ones. When I tried to thank Brendon, I can't speak. What's wrong with my voice?

Brendon sighs after he feels my forehead. "Oh my god. Lie down. NOW. After that little swim of yours you made yourself even more sick."He gives me NyQuil and I fall fast asleep.

When I wake up there is a familiar face over me. It was...


Lol so i updated twice. If anyone can guess who the person was u will get mentioned in the next chapter. And happy birthday to whoevers birthday it is! And guess what? I finally get to see my fav cousin in 2 days:D so yea im happy... And sorry for the long chapter lol. Happy day! Yea ik im weird

-kerigan da 😜

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