Chapter 46

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***Dallon's POV***

It's been a week since Lily died. We had to cancel a few shows already. Brendon's a complete mess. He's been drinking, so much that every time I see him he's drunk.

I've been trying to spend as much time with him as possible, but it's hard. I still have to go home to my wife and daughter.

I was thinking about that as I drove over to Brendon's house. I hear crying upstairs when I enter. Surprisingly, for the first time this week, there's no empty bottles of liquor in the kitchen.

I run upstairs, but only to find a locked door. "Brendon, open up." I say. No answer. "Brendon, open the door!" I say louder. Still no answer. Okay, now I'm worried.

With all my strength, I ram against the door. It flings open, and on the ground is an unconscious Brendon. And surrounding him is blood. His wrists are slit and outing blood and there are pills around him.

"Shit!" I scream. As fast as I could, I call 911. After I explain what happens something catches my eyes. A breeze enter from the window. I walk over to it and see blood, and knife with the initials R.R.

I jump as the front door opens and footsteps rattle up the stairs. As quickly as I could, I slide the knife in my pocket. Nobody noticed.

The paramedics take Brendon to the hospital. They think he tried to commit suicide, but I don't think so. I think someone is after Brendon. Someone dangerous. Someone who won't stop until they get what they want. And by the looks of it, they want Brendon dead.


He's alive, thank god. I walk into his room and see his wrists bandaged. I sigh, and his eyes open. "Dallon, it wasn't me. Someone-" he said.

"I know. I found a knife at the open window that had the initials R.R. Who do you think it could be?" I cut him off. His face darkens. "There's only one person I know with those initials who has any reason to hate me." He whispers.

"Who??" I ask urgently. He takes a deep breath, as if he's nervous. Hell, who could blame him. "Ryan." Was all he said.


Here's another update for ya! Hope u like.

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