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TW!! this story deals with abuse please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable!!!

"Hey, Hannah." I smiled as I stood at her locker.

"Morning." She said.

Hannahs been my best friend since 8th grade. After Peter ditched me, Hannah and I started to hang out. 8th grade was the best and worst year of my life. My best friend stopped hanging out with me, and I met my new best friend.

Peter never gave an answer as to why he stopped hanging out with me. I cried for weeks. I am still kinda friends with Ned, but I understand he's best friends with Peter, and Ned is happy, so I'm happy.

"Again?" Hannah asked looking at my cheek. I immediately moved my hair to cover the bruise forming on my cheek.

"I just got in his way this morning." I shrugged. Ever since my mom died a year ago, my dad's been a drunk. He always has a beer in his hand, and if I get in his way, he uses the empty hand to hit me. I've gotten used to it, and I've gotten good at hiding it to.

"This isn't okay! You have to tell someone!" Hannah insisted as we walked to our first class.

"No! And you can't tell anyone! Please. I already lost my mom, I can't lose my dad to. No matter how much it hurts, I can't lose him to." I looked at Hannah worried.

"Okay. I'm just worried."

"It's fine. I know how to take care of myself. And because of you know, the bruises heal fast."

Hannah is the only person who knows about my spider bite. I told her immediately when I got my powers. I have gone out and done some stuff, but a month after I started doing things, Spiderman came and took a bunch of credit for the things he did. It's fine though, I don't need recognition. My suit is all black with blue web lines around it. I have a good suit and a mask, looking like Spider-Man's suit.


I took my mask off my face, but kept my hood up covering my hair in a french braid crown. I saw sitting on top of a building resting, after stopping a shoplifter from the big apple store on 58th. Man, did he put up a fight.

"Who are you?" I rushed and put my mask back on and turned around and saw Spiderman standing there.

"Spider Girl." I said plainly standing up.

"Copying my name and my look, huh?" He laughed. 

"More like you're copying me. Just because you're more popular doesn't mean you were around longer." I said passing him.

"Oh yeah? How long have you been around?" He asked all cocky.

"7 months. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some homework to finish."

"Homework?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, I'm a junior in high school, silly." I saluted him and ran off the building jumping off and doing a flip as I flew, before shooting a web and swinging home.

I snuck into my room through the fire escape and carefully unlocked my door. I went out to the kitchen to grab a snack and some water before going back into my room to finish my homework.

Peter's POV

"Who are you?" I asked the black figure sitting on the edge of the building.

"Spider Girl." Th figure said standing up and turning around.

"Copying my name and my look, huh?" I joked.

"More like you're copying me. Just because you're more popular doesn't mean you were around longer." She said swiftly passing me.

"Oh yeah? How long have you been around?" I accused her.

"7 months. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some homework to finish." Well I guess she has been around longer than me.

"Homework?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm a junior in high school, silly." She saluted me and ran off the building jumping off and doing a flip as she flew, before shooting a web and swinging away.

"Wow." I muttered to myself before swinging away to go home.

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