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Peter's POV

Josie's been in her cell for a week. Right now I'm out with MJ on our date. I can't help but wish I was having dinner with Josie. With Josie, I can just talk and say my feelings, and she makes me so comfortable. She's so weird and loud and funny. MJ's just MJ. She's weird, but not the weird Josie is. MJ's quiet and held back. I can't tell MJ everything I can tell Josie. When I'm with Josie I'm having the best time of my life, even if we are just sitting watching the stars. I could be bungee jumping with MJ and I'd still be bored. And let's not forget Josie's a complete bad ass. She's also a superhero like me.

I've made my choice: it's Josie.

Josie's POV

Peter walked into the room I was in and sat across from me outside the glass.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I said.

"So I went on a date with MJ," Peter said. My heart shattered.

"You went on a date?" I said stunned.

"Yes..." he said confused. I felt a tear fall down my face. "Hey! No, I choose you!" He said.

"You shouldn't have had to gone on a date to figure out you choose me." I said standing up.

"You told me to go on a date!" He said defensively.

"That was a test! You went on that date, which means you had to stop and think if you actually wanted to be with me! I have never had to take even a second to think if I wanted to be with you. Every comment Flash made, every look Josh gave me, who cared? Because I was with you. Even saying 'you choose me' shows that you had to stop to think who to pick! We're over. Get out." I cried.

"What! No! I wished the entire time that it was you I was with!"

"I'm not going to be someone's second choice Peter! You either pick me right away, or not at all. When I told you to go out with MJ, your response should have been that you didn't need to go on a date with her because you loved me. Now get out Peter!"

"No!" He said tears in his eyes.

"Fine!" I webbed the windows up so I couldn't see him.

"Un uh. Get the webs off." Tony's voice came over a speaker.

"Tell him to get out first!" I yelled.

"Parker, out." Tony's voice said. I heard Peter sigh and walk out.


I rolled over in the hammock I made out of webs and saw Tony standing outside the glass.

"Morning," I said wearily, "still don't know where Steve is."

Tony sighed in frustration and walked out. I shrugged.


Tony's POV

"I get they are close, but I can't see why it's so god damn hard for her to tell me where he is!" I complained to Nat watching the cameras when they went black.

"Explosion detected in the cell room." FRIDAY said.

"Shit! Get the cameras on! Now!" I yelled.

"Josie requires help." She said.

I ran down the stairs and towards the cell room. I burst through the door and the wall and cell were open, and Josie was gone.

Josie's POV

I was chilling on the ground when someone blew a hole in the wall. In walked the psychiatrist guy Steve was after. I ran and pressed the emergency button and he blew up a hole in the cell.

"What do you want!?" I yelled getting up after being blown back.

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