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I was at the compound with Wanda and Vision when I heard a boom.

"Stay here." Vision said. Wanda grabbed a knife with her powers and threw it behind us stopping at a man.

"I guess I should have knocked." The man said. "You must be Josie. Clint." He said to me. "Steve needs us."

"I can't let you do that." Vision said coming in. He and Clint started to fight before Wanda stopped him and we ran out.


I had my eyes on Steve. He was standing in the lot and Tony and Rhodey came and started talking to him. Tony yelled something about we need to sign or hand ourselves over. T'Challa and Nat joined them soon after, before Peter webbed Steve's hands and took his shield.

"We found it." I heard Sam say in the head piece. "The Quinjet's in hanger 5, North runway." That's my cue.

I swung down, landing next to Steve.

"Josie?" Peter asked.

"You dragged one of the kids into this?" Tony yelled at Steve.

"Peter is right there!" I pointed out.

"The difference between the two of you, is that he's on the right side." Tony said.

"That's debatable." I said simply.

"That's not your suit." Tony said.

"I couldn't fight you in your own suit. I'm sorry Tony." I explained.

Steve lifted his arms and Clint shot the webs out.

"Alright Lang." Steve said.

Scott turned back to his regular size, kicked Peter down, and handed Steve his shield back, while I stifled a laugh.

"I believe this is yours Captain America." Scott said.

"Oh great. There's two on the parking deck, one of them Maximoff. I'm gonna go grab her." Tony said.

Steve threw his shield at Rhodey and I saw Peter going towards Sam and Bucky. I saw Peter break in the window kicking Sam down and going after Bucky.

"Dude your metal arm is awesome dude." Peter said.

I swung down and kicked Peter away from Bucky.

"I got this one, boys." I nodded Sam and Bucky off.

"Josie, don't do this." Peter said.

"What am I supposed to do, Peter? I'm not signing." I declared.

"Are you sure you don't want to sign, or it's Steve who doesn't want you to sign?"

"I don't want to sign. And Steve's like my brother, I'm not going to just ditch him!"

Peter shot webs at my arms and pulled me forward. I jumped up, swung behind him, and kicked him down. He shot more webs at me, but I dodged them.

"Sorry, Peter." I tied him up and stuck him to the wall.

"Don't do this!" He yelled after me.

"I have to!" I yelled back to him. "I'm on my way to the Quinjet." I said into my com.

"Get there, and stay down. Don't let anyone know you're there." Steve said. "The rest of us will join you in a bit."

"Got it."

I went as quietly and quickly as I could to the quinjet. I went up to the tower by it so I could see what was happening.

"Holy shit! That's so cool!" I said into the com as Scott turned big.

"Josie you ready?" Steve asked.

"Yeah I'll be in the quinjet in a second." I started to run down the stairs when all of a sudden the building started falling. "What the hell!?" I was thrown against the wall as the building fell. I shot a web out the broken window to try and get out, but I fell too fast.

I felt a sharp pain in my right hip and I screamed in pain. I looked down to see some part of the building stabbed into my side.

"Steve you gotta leave!" Sam yelled. I heard the jet take off and they were gone.

"Ah, S-Sam, I need hel-p." I stuttered out.

"Your not on the jet!?" He asked.

"N-no I'm stuck under the tower. S-something stabbed me. Come on, it-it hurts." I struggled.

Third Person POV

"Tony, Josie's hurt. She got stabbed. You need to go get her." Sam said after Tony hit him. "She's stuck under the tower."

"Shit." Tony said. "Wanda! I need you to lift that tower!"

Josie's POV

I felt the tower lift off me, but I still felt the pain in my side. I took my mask off my face to reveal bright light.

"Kid!" Tony said flying up to me.

"I guess I'm signing now." I sighed.

"We'll worry about that later. Come on, you need medical attention." Tony said coming to pick me up.

"It really h-hurts." I groaned. I felt my eyes grow heavy and start to close.

"Uh uh, no, keep you eyes open. Come on look at me." Tony said.

"I-I can't."

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