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"So," Spiderman began, "how do you make your webs?"

We were sitting on a building after a fight. Some guys were trying to rob an ATM and we just happened to be around there at the same time.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Like the web fluid. And did you make your own shooters?"

"I'm confused." I said.

"How do you shoot your webs?" He asked.

"I just think about it and it just shoots out. I don't know, it just comes out of my wrist." I shrugged.

"Do you just have like a hole in your wrist?" He asked shocked.

"No, silly." I grabbed the piece of fabric on the back side of my wrist and pulled up, popping my hand out of the glove. "It's weird. If you look at my wrist right now, there's nothing there. But, if I shoot my web," I thought about it and shot webs out, "there's like a little hole there. It's like an eyelid I guess. Like it opens when I need to shoot webs, but when I don't, it's closed."

"What happened to your wrist?" He asked grabbing my hand. I winced and pulled it away. "Sorry."

"No, it's fine. It was my dad." I quickly put my hand back into my glove.

"This isn't okay. You should tell someone." He said.

"I mean, I told my best friend..."

"And she hasn't called the police?!" He asked shocked.

"I begged her not to. I can't lose my dad."

Peter's POV

"I'm gonna go look around a bit. See you later." She flipped her glove back on and swung away. Way to go, you made her uncomfortable. Great job, Peter.

"Peter Parker, is it?" I turned around and saw Ironman standing on the roof top across from me. I jumped up stunned.

"Y-yes sir." I stuttered.

"Great. Come with me." He flew off to Stark Tower and I swung behind him. We walked into a conference room where all the superhero's I grew up looking up to were sitting. "Kid meet: Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Sam, Rhodey, and Nick Fury." Mr Stark said pointing at each person.

"H-hi." I said with a little wave. What's with the stupid wave. Come on Peter.

"What happened to the girl?" Natasha asked. "Wasn't there a girl?"

"She went to go look around the city, make sure everything was fine." I explained.

"Does this girl have a name?" Mr Stark asked.

"I don't have her real name, she goes by Spider Girl. She went to go look around the city, you might be able to catch her." I suggested.

"Alright, Rogers, go find her." Mr Stark said.

Third Person POV

Steve hopped on his motorcycle and started riding down the streets. He saw a black figure swinging through the air and followed it. The black figure stopped on the fire escape of a building and climbed through a window. He counted up 6 floors, saw the apartment number on the outside of the window, in case of a fire, and he entered the apartment building.

As he approached the apartment number he heard a scream and a cry come from the apartment he was going to.

Josie's POV

I climbed through my window and got changed quickly. I walked out my bedroom quietly to go to the bathroom. My dad met me at the door when I was coming out of the bathroom.

"Where were you!?" He yelled at me.

"I fell asleep in my room." I said trying to move past him to my room.

"DONT LIE TO ME!" He said grabbing my hair and pulled me back. I screamed as he pulled me back and pushed me against the wall. "WHERE WERE YOU!?"

"I was asleep in my room! I swear!" He hit me across the face and I screamed and cried in pain. He punched my shoulder and told me to shut up. We heard a pounding at the door and dad yelled to go away. The pounding grew louder, dad threw me to the floor, and swung open the door.

A strong man with blond hair burst in and helped me up.

"Come with me, I work with Tony Stark. I'll explain in a bit." I didn't care who he was, I just needed to get out of here. I took his hand and he helped me out of the apartment and we rode to Stark Tower.

"I'm Steve Rogers. You can call me Steve. What's your name?" He asked.

"Josie Richards." I said plainly.

"We know about you being Spider Girl." Steve said when we were in the elevator.

"What, no I'm not!" I said panicked.

"It's ok. We just want you to be apart of our team." He explained. "You're not going to go back to that apartment. You can stay here. Do you want an ice pack for your..." he motioned to his cheek, "It's turning red and purple."

"No, I'm okay." I said looking down.

"Does that happen often?" He asked. I slowly nodded. "How long has this happened?"

"A year-ish." I said quietly.

"Does anyone know!?"

"My best friend knows, but she only thinks it's happened for a month."

"Why didn't you call the cops?!"

"He's my only family left. My mom died a year ago, and he's been a drunk ever since."

"I'm sorry." He said.

"It's okay. Just- please don't call the cops. I don't want him to go to jail." I begged.




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