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"Fury's got the coded message!" Happy said coming over to where me and Peter were standing making his suit. "Your friends are at the Tower bridge. The boy called it the London bridge but I figured it out. Josie and I are gonna go get them, ok?"

"Yeah." Peter nodded.

"How's the suit coming?" He asked.

"Almost done." Peter said.

"I'm gonna go get changed into my suit." I said picking up the new suit that was just made for me and walking to the bathroom in the front of the jet.

Peter's POV

"Before we go, if something happens to me, please give this to Josie." I said pulling out the rose necklace.

"You're gonna make it back, you're gonna give it to her yourself. You got this! Now walk me through it." Happy said.

"I know his illusion tech, all I have to do is get on the inside of the illusion then I can take it down, find him, and he's just a guy, so I can take Edith right back." I explained.

"Right, but last time you got hit by a train."

"True, but this time, how do I explain this? Uh... I have like a sixth sense..."

"The Peter tingle. That's what you're talking about, right? It's not working though! I heard it wasn't working right now, is it?"

"It is working! Well- I don't- I-"

"Good! So you're gonna use the Peter tingle, that's the plan! Josie and I are gonna go get your friends." Happy said.

"You ready boys?" Josie called from the front. I saw her braiding her hair with her new suit on. It still looked like her old suit, but this suit really showed off her body. I mean, she looked... breath taking.

Josie's POV

"Coms, check. Can you hear me kid?" Happy asked Peter as he stuck to the outside of the jet.

"Yeah! It's just a little loud out here!" Peter replied.

"I like the new suit." Happy said.

"Complement his outfit later, we have bigger problems." I said running up and sitting in the seat next to Happy. "Are you sure that's fake!?"

"Yeah! It's just 100 times bigger than I expected!" Peter replied.

"We need to go higher." I said.

"Got it." Happy said going higher.

"Hey Happy! We need to have a serious conversation about you and my aunt!" Peter yelled falling down off the plane.

"You and May, aye?" I looked at how uncomfortable Happy looked. "I ship it." I smirked.

"Hey! You three need to come with me!" Happy yelled at Ned, MJ, Flash, and Betty. I heard a boom and saw the jet explode.

"Shit! Come on!" I yelled running away.

"Yeah we're fine! Just go get Beck!" Happy said, I assume to Peter. "Into the Crown Jewels vault!" We all ran as fast as we could into the vault.

Happy rushed them all into the vault as I tried to deal with the drone. We all hid behind some pillars and stayed down. I reached for the pointy ball thing on a stick as I watched Happy disagree with me and motioning me to stop.

I grabbed it quickly and Ned and Betty pushed a armor stand down. The drone started to fire at it and I hit the drone.

"Go! Go!" I yelled at everyone as we ran into the vault.

"We got some time." Happy said into his com, "but not much." He finished as the drone started to burn through the door.

"How come I didn't get a com? Put your phone down!" I yelled at Flash.

"This is prime recording time!" He yelled at me. I quickly grabbed his phone and smashed it with my foot. "Hey!" He yelled.

"Get a new one." I shrugged.

"Are we gonna die?" Ned asked.

"We're not gonna die." I said confidently.

"Hey, Pe-Spiderman wanted you to have this." Happy said handing me a gold necklace with a rose charm on it. It's gorgeous. Why, why is he giving it to me? I quickly shoved it in my little pocket I had and turned my focus back to the drones.

"If we're gonna die, I wasted my life playing video games!" Mj said panicking.

"I have a fake ID! And I've never used it!" Betty said quickly.

"I post stupid videos so people will like me!" Flash said.

"Hey! If it wasn't for those stupid videos, Spiderman would have never found you." Happy said reassuringly.

"Spiderman follows me? I saved us guys!" Flash cheered.

"If you saved us then why are we about to die!" MJ yelled.

"We aren't going to die!" I yelled. The door burst open and the drones started shooting. I webbed them up and ushered everyone out. "More drones are coming! We need to go! Happy get them to somewhere safe!"

"Got it!" Happy ran out with Ned, Betty, and Flash.

"MJ! You need to leave! I can't leave you here!" I told her.

"I'm waiting for Peter! I'm not leaving without him!" She insisted.

"If you stay here you'll die. Now come on, I can't leave you here!"


"Come on MJ! Do you know how easy it would be to leave you here?! There's something between you and my ex who I'm still in love with! I could just leave you here to die and solve that problem, but I can't, because I know that's wrong! Now, please, let's go!" I pulled MJ away and brought her to Happy.

"The drones! They're going away!" Ned cheered.

"I gotta go!" I yelled swinging away to find Peter. "Peter!" I yelled swinging to him and running over to him. I watched as he limped his way over to me and I threw my arms around him.

"Are you ok?!" I said pulling my mask off.

"I'm ok, are you ok?" Peter said.

"I'm ok. Everyone's fine, don't worry. MJ is safe with the others-"

"Don't bring up MJ! I don't want to hear about MJ, I want to hear about you! Every day for the past two weeks I've kicked myself because I hurt you! I had this plan that I was gonna make everything right between us on this trip! I don't care about MJ, all I care about is you!" Peter said. He pulled me in and kissed me. It was sweet and cute. "There is nothing going on between me and MJ, I swear. I only love you."

"Happy gave me this necklace." I said pulling it out and showing it. Luckily it wasn't in pieces. "It's beautiful."

"It was apart of my plan for this trip. I was going to give it to you at Paris."

"I like it, even if it was given to me in the middle of a life or death situation." We laughed.

"So..." Peter began.

"We should probably get back to the rest of the class." I said and we started to walk away. We need to talk, but now was definitely not the time.

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