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"Can I ask you a question?" Peter said sitting on my loveseat.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked. I was sitting with Peter in my room. I love hanging out with him one on one. I've started to feel things for Peter again. I don't know, it's confusing.

"Why... did you and Ned never... date?"

"What?"  I said sitting up on my bed, "What are you talking about?"

"You know, I heard you tell Ned you liked him one day at lunch." Peter shrugged.

"You heard me tell Ned what?" I asked again.

"In 8th grade, you told him you liked him, but you couldn't ruin your friendship."

"What in the world!? I never liked Ned!"

"Y-you didn't?" He asked stunned.

"No! I love Ned, but not like that!"

"Oh." Peter said quietly. "I swear you said that to him."

"No, I liked someone else in 8th grade."

"Oooo, who?" Peter asked.

Just tell him. If you say I liked him in 8th grade, he won't assume I like him now. Right?

"Well... I guess it doesn't matter anymore, so I might as well tell you. I liked you in 8th grade."

"What!?" Peter said jumping up.

"Woah, I didn't think you were going to make it that big of a deal." I laughed.

"Oh my God, I'm so stupid!" Peter said rubbing his face.

"Agreed, but why?" I laughed.

"I stopped being friends with you because I thought you liked Ned!"


"Because it hurt to much to think you liked Ned, when I liked you!"

"You WHAT!? First off, how does that logic even work. Like, I like you, but you like my best friend, so I'm just not gonna be friends with you at all?"

"I don't know! I was 14! Ugh, I hate myself!"

"Don't say that! We started new, so it's fine. I just can't believe you had a crush on me." I laughed.

"Oh shut up, you had a crush on me too." Peter laughed.


"Hey, Josie. So we all know you're not going back to live with your dad, but we can't sign for your papers at school or take you out or anything, so I spoke with the team, and since I'm the closest with you, I would like to become your legal guardian. So you can officially get away from your dad."

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, if that's fine with you-"

"Yeah, that's perfect!" I said hugging him.

"I'll just be like your older brother or something."

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