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Hannah and I were walking with Mr Dell and Mr Harrington and a group of people to go see the Da Vinci Museum.

"It's closed? Till when?" Mr Dell asked.

"November." Brad said.

"You didn't check the website?!" Mr Dell asked Mr Harrington.

"That would have been a-" Mr Harrington started but was cut off by some water monster thing.

"Holy shit!" I yelled. "Get out of here!" I yelled at Hannah running the other direction and pulling my mask out of my back pack.

The monster was chasing some green guy. I saw a tower falling and went over to stop it. I watched as Peter was trying to hold it up and hit his head not once, but twice on the bell.

"That's gonna leave a mark." I laughed webbing it up and pushing it up.

"I got it." He said annoyed and doing the same thing as me.

"Who is that guy?" I asked.

"I don't know." Peter said.

"Keep holding it up." I let go and quickly webbed it standing up right to keep it from falling.

The other man quickly killed the monster and the tower fell.

"Peter!" I called out. "You ok?!"

"Yeah." He grunted standing up.


Peter's POV

"I think Nick Fury just highjacked our vacation." I sighed.

Here we are. On a bus. On our way to Prauge. That's just, great. I have these really cool glasses Tony left me.

"10 minutes everyone!" Mr Harrington announced as we got off the bus. Dimitri stopped me and pointed me to a room with a lady who made me a suit. She insisted I tried it on right now. Great.

I took down my pants when the door suddenly opened. The lady started to pull out a gun but I stopped her. I turned and saw Brad standing in the doorway.

"Sorry, uh, I thought this was the bathroom." Brad said shocked.

"This is not what it looks like!" I said.

"Yeah..." Brad took a quick picture on his phone and walked out. "I'll leave you two alone.

I quickly pulled up my pants and ran after him.

"Brad! It's not what it looks like dude!" I said catching up to him.

"Peter, I'm not here to judge your life choices. Dude, if you wanna hook up with some random European chick on our school trip, that's on you." He said.

"That not what it was, honestly."

"I can't pretend I didn't see what I saw. I know you and Josie were a thing, and I know that thing's over now. I can tell you still have feelings for her, but I like her too."

"Wait, wait, you cannot show her that photo dude. Come on."

"Sorry man, I have to. She deserves the truth." He said and walked back towards the bus.

Josie's POV

"Hey, I have something to show you." Brad said sitting down next to me.

"Ok..." I laughed.

"I don't want to hurt you, but I saw Peter with some lady with his pants down, and I have proof." He said looking through his phone. "What? No, no, no, no, I swear I had a picture."

"Sorry that just doesn't sound super plausible." I shrugged standing up and sitting by Hannah.


"What the hell?!" Hannah yelled. I looked down and saw the earth turning red and hot beneath us. "We never should have left the opera house!" She yelled as we ran away.

"Get back to the opera house! I have to help!" I yelled.

"Got it!" I ran into the corner and put on my suit as fast as I could.

"Help us! We're stuck! Somebody!" I looked over and saw Ned and Betty stuck in a Ferris Wheel cart.

"Shit. I'm coming!" I webbed up to their cart and tried to open the door.

"Spider girl?" Betty asked.

"Yup that's me." I laughed. "I need one of you to kick right here on the count of three. Got it?" They both nodded and I started to count down. "1... 2... 3!" Ned kicked on the lock as I pulled the door away and it swung open.

"It's coming!" Betty yelled. I turned back and saw the fire monster coming towards us. I quickly grabbed Betty and swung her away. As fast as I could I helped Ned out.

"Thanks Josie." He sighed as got back to him.

"No probleeeah!" I looked down and saw that my foot went through the floor of the cart and was stuck. "Shit!" I webbed Neds hands and pushed him out of the cart, slowly lowering him to the ground. If one of us was going to get out, it needed to be Ned.

I looked up and saw the fire monster still coming towards me.

"Oh no you don't!" A black figure swung by, catching its attention. I kept trying to get my leg out frantically.

"Are you okay!?" The black figure said landing on the cart with me. His voice sounds familiar.

"Peter? What are you wearing?" I asked.

"A different suit, come on you gotta get out of here!" He yelled at me.

"My legs stuck, and I'm not going anywhere after it's freed." I stood my ground.

Peter started to help me get my leg unstuck.

"Peter you gotta get out of here! That thing is coming!" I demanded.

"We'll be fine! I'm not leaving you here to die!" With that he got my leg free and we got out of the cart. "You need to leave! Now!"

"You're not in charge of me!"

"I'm sorry." He said as he pushed me into a small shed like thing and webbed the door shut.

I started to kick the door to get out, and when I finally did, the monster was gone.

I'm going to kill Peter.

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