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"He pushed me into a shed thing and closed me in there!" I ranted to Hannah.

"I hate him." She rolled her eyes.

"I just- no! I'm going to yell at him about it!" I said getting up to leave our room.

"Yes girl! Fight him!" Hannah cheered me on.

"Hey Josie!" Ned said cheerfully.

"Hey. I need to speak with Peter." I said sternly.

"Alright." He said opening his room door.

"PETER- oh." I stopped when I saw MJ and Peter standing alone in his room, and Peter's shirt on the floor. "I- I should go." I said turning around and walking into the hallway. I heard the door open and close and I felt a hand grab onto mine.

"Josie!" Peter said stopping me and walking in front of me. "I swear it's not what it looks like! I was putting on my suit!" Peter was still shirtless.

"Your girlfriend's waiting." I muttered and walked past him.

"She's not my girlfriend." Peter said running in front of me.

"I don't care." I said wiping a tear away and walking faster to my room.

"No! I need your help with something!"

I sighed and turned around. "What?"

"Come on, I'll explain in my room." I walked with him back to his room with Ned and MJ still standing there. MJ quickly walked out when I got in the room.

"Ok, what's going on?" I asked leaning on the wall.

"I gave Beck these glasses Tony left for me and now it turns out Beck's a fake. The elementals weren't real." Peter said putting on his Night Monkey suit.

"What do you mean they weren't real? I fought them- no, let me rephrase: I saved Ned and Betty, but I couldn't fight anymore because you locked me in a shed!" I yelled at Peter.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to get hurt! That's- that's not the point. Right now we need to focus on this. He's using some sort of illusion tech, hologram thing, to make them look real."

"Why do you need my help with this?"

"I need you to come to Berlin with me." Peter said.

"Great. What a way to end off my vacation. I'll go get my suit on and call Steve. I'll meet you on the roof." I sighed walking out of Peter's room to mine.

"Josie!" I looked over to see Brad running over to me. "You wanna go for a quick walk?"

"I'm really tired, sorry Brad. Maybe some other time. Good night." I smiled before walking in to my room.

"How did yelling at Peter go?" Hannah asked as I walked into our room.

"Well, I got like one second of yelling at him, then he asked me to help him with a mission." I sighed searching for my suit.

"You're not actually going to help him, are you?" She asked.

"I have to. This one is really bad." I said pulling out my suit and getting changed in the bathroom.

"What's it about?" She asked.

"I can't tell you. At least not yet. I'll tell you when it's over." I said through the door.

I pulled out my phone and called Steve.

"Hey! I'm sorry about your trip getting cut short." Steve said.

"About that. I need you to call Mr Harrington and tell him you want me to stay with Peter and some family he has in Berlin until this is all over." I told him.

"Why...?" He asked.

"I can't tell you yet, but I need to help Peter with a mission. Please just do it." I sighed.

"Alright, but if you get hurt, I'm blaming Peter."

"As you should." I laughed.

"Love ya, kiddo."

"Love you too Steve." I hung up the phone and went up to the roof and met Peter.

"What's the plan?" I asked sitting down next to Peter.

"We go to Berlin."

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