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"What do I want? I want revenge on the Avengers. It begins with you, I guess." He shrugged and shot me with something before everything went black.

Third Person POV

"Steve probably broke her out." Tony hit the table frustrated.

"Why would she hit the emergency button if it was Steve?" Natasha said.

"I don't know, maybe she panicked before she realized it was him." Tony continued.

"It said there was the explosion, then a minute afterward she hit the button." Peter said.

"But-" Tony began but was cut off by a video being shown on the screen. It was Josie tied up to a chair in a dark room.

"I hope you're proud of yourself. Taking a 16 year old girl who was already in custody. You're a real great criminal." Josie taunted someone.

"Say hello to the Avengers." A man said going behind her, forcing her head forward towards the camera.

"Oh my God." Peter muttered.

"You have three hours to come get her, or I kill her." The man said.

"Don't come. It's not worth it." Josie said. "Peter has the same powers as me, and it's not like I have a family waiting for me."

"Be quiet." The man said. "Three hours. Or another life will be on your hands." With that the video cut off.

"FRIDAY track the location." Tony said.

"On it boss." She said.

"We have to go help her!" Peter said.

"She's the only way to find Steve." Tony sighed.

"Are you kidding me, Tony? Did you really just say that your going to save her just to find Steve?! For one second get your head out of your ass! She is apart of our team, we are her family, that's why we are going to get her." Natasha scowled at him.

"There is some serious protection on this video. It's going to take me a while." FRIDAY said.


Josie's POV

"Wow, they really haven't come." The man said. "It's been three hours. Time to film your goodbyes." The man turned on the camera.

"Hey. I don't blame you guys for not coming. It's okay. Tell my father that I love him. Even all the things he did to me, I want him to know I loved him. And, Peter, tell Hannah and Ned I love them. And I wish you and MJ the best, and I'm sorry for everything that happened, and I love you." I said tears coming to my eyes. "If I'm going to die, you might as well know that I really don't know where Steve is. I wish I did, but he refused to tell me. If you see him again tell him I say thank you. And I love you guys a lot. Thank you for being my family. I love you guys."

"Very, heartfelt, if you ask me." The man said coming out from behind the camera.

I heard a boom, and in came Tony, Nat, Black Panther, Vision, and Peter.

"Step away from her." Tony said.

"Fine." The man said, pointing his gun at my head, and pulling the trigger.

Nothing but black. Nothing at all. Not even a white light. You hear about people going towards the white light when they die, but here I am, in the darkness.

Sounds about right. Being stuck in the darkness, even when I should be in the light. I was hoping my mom would meet me. Seeing her would make me comfortable. I always thought I'd be walking towards the light with her guiding me. I guess I was wrong.

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