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"The hell is that?" I said looking out the window of the classroom. There was some sort of circle space ship thing coming down. "I gotta go." I said to Hannah before running to the bathroom and putting on my suit. I climbed out the window and swung towards the space ship.

As I got closer I saw Tony and some magic squid dude going at it.

"What's going on Tony?" I said swinging over.

"Squidward wants to take a magic rock from Harry Potter." He said blasting the rock looking guy. "Peter went after the wizard, go help him."

I started to swing down the street and found Peter right as he got hit by a billboard.

"Nice, Pete." I laughed swinging past him.

"Not cool." He said.

Peter webbed the wizard and I tried my best to get the squid man off our trace. Suddenly I was thrown against a wall and covered in brick from the building. I watched as the wizard got trapped in some beam and got taken up to the ship, along with Peter.

"Peter!" I called after him. I watched as the spaceship left earth and the bricks fell around me.

I swung to the nearest base where Rhodey was giving the secretary what I assumed to be choice words. I wanted to be in there, but Rhodey wouldn't allow it.

"Hey! Rhodey!" I called walking through the halls towards him. "You got any pop tarts? I missed lunch and I am starv- Steve!" I yelled running across the room to hug Steve. He grunted when I made impact.

"Hey." He laughed.

"Nice beard." I giggled.

"Thanks." He laughed.

"It's good to see you guys." Rhodey said. "You guys... you guys look like crap." He laughed.

"I think you guys look great." We all turned around to see Bruce. I wasn't shocked to see him. I mean I saw him before and I wasn't here when he left. "Yeah, I'm back."

"Hey Bruce." Nat said stunned.

"Hey Nat." Bruce said back. Oh there was/is something there. This is going to be amazing.

"Let's get back to business." Rhodey said. "Josie what happened with the alien guys?"

"Ok, so the big dude lost a hand and went to like the Arctic. Squid man took Tony, Peter, and the wizard up to space." I explained.

"We gotta assume they're coming back." Rhodey said.

"And they can clearly find us." Wanda stated.

"We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint?" Bruce asked.

"Scott and Clint took a plea deal, and they're on house arrest." Nat explained.

"Who's Scott?" Bruce asked.

"Ant-Man." Steve stated.

"How many insect people do you have?" Bruce asked shocked.

"Four if you want to include Nat." I said with a smirk.

"Okay, listen, Thanos has the biggest army in the universe, and he's not going to stop until... he... gets Vision's stone." Bruce announced.

"Then we have to protect it." Nat said.

"No, we need to destroy it." Vision spoke.

Vision and Wanda spoke softly to each other but Bruce came up with an idea to make a new stone. We all piled onto the quinjet and started off to Wakanda.

"Hello?" I asked picking up my phone.

"Josie!? Is that you?! Are you with Tony?!" Pepper asked panicked.

"No, I'm not. Don't worry, Tony is going to be fine. Tony and Peter will be fine." I reassured her.

"God, Peter's up there too?" She sighed. "I'm sorry honey."

"It's fine. I know Peter and Tony. They're strong, they'll get through it. Before you know it, we'll have our men back, and everything will be fine."

"You're right. I love you sweetie."

"Love you too, Pepper." I said before hanging up.

"Men?" Steve asked. "You have a... man?" Steve shuddered as he said man.

"Yeah... about that. Peter and I..." I started.

"Peter's her lover boy!" Rhodey shook his shoulders as he said it.

"Ewwww, it sounds so weird when you say it like that!" I laughed.

"How long? Does he treat you well? Are you happy? Does he-" Steve said rattling off questions.

"A year and a half, yes he treats me perfectly, and yes I'm happy." I laughed.

"Good... just making sure."

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