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"Hey!" Steve yelled getting my attention at the airport. I ran over to him and gave him a hug. "Glad to see your alright. You've got some explaining to do."

"In the car. Trust me, I have stories to tell." I sighed.


"I'm going to Starbucks with Peter! I'll be back in like an hour!" I called through the house.

"Be safe!" Steve yelled.

"Be ready to kick ass if needed!" Bucky yelled right after him.

I laughed and walked out the house and headed to Starbucks to meet Peter.

"Hey." He said as I walked up.

"Hey." I smiled. I have to do this. I have to.

We quickly ordered our drinks, I got a Strawberry Aćai and he got a vanilla bean Frappuccino, and sat down.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Peter asked.

"Peter..." I said trying to find the right words.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked grabbing my hand. I slowly pulled away my hand and looked away. 

"I think- I think we should take a break, stay broken up for a little while." 

"What! why!?" Peter asked.

"We both have things we need to deal with. It's a break, not a break up." I sighed standing up. "I'm sorry." I walked out with tears in my eyes.

This is for the best.

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