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(Time skip to 2 months later)

"Can I keep my book in your locker? I promise I'll get it later." I asked Peter. Peter and I have been dating for 2 months.

"Yeah, don't worry about it." He said.

"Thanks." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to my next class.


I opened Peter's locker to get my book I left in there earlier and a letter fell out. I picked it up and it said 'Peter' with a little heart after his name.

What the heck? I didn't give this to him. I put it into my pocket quickly and went to go see Hannah.

"Who do you think wrote it?" I asked Hannah.

"Maybe MJ? I don't know, she's been making weird eyes at Peter recently. Are you gonna read it?" She asked me.

"I don't know. Maybe? I'll read it when we get to The Coffee House." Hannah and I were going to go hang out there right after school.


"I don't know, should I read it? It wasn't addressed to me. Do you think he'll get mad?" I asked Hannah.

"It's your boyfriend, and his name has a heart next to it. You deserve to know what the note says." Hannah said.

"You're right." I opened the letter slowly and opened it up.


I can't stop getting that night at the bleachers out of my mind. I know you and Josie are in a relationship, but I really felt something when we kissed. That doesn't just happen. If you choose her, I understand, but I really like you. It's so easy to talk to you. I hope you choose me❤️


I felt tears stream down my face. I handed Hannah the note and she read it.

"That little bitch." Hannah said giving me back the letter. "How dare he!"

"Hey guys!" Ned said approaching us with Peter.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asked me as I stood up and he put his arms around my waist to stop me from leaving. I grabbed my backpack, pushed the note up against him, and walked out.

Peter's POV

"Why don't you just tell her?" Ned asked me.

"It would break her heart, I can't tell her. Plus I don't like MJ like that. I don't know, maybe I do, but I like Josie a lot better. That kiss, didn't mean anything." I said.

"If it didn't mean anything, then why don't you tell her?"


"Hey guys!" Ned said as we came up to Hannah and Josie. I saw Josie had tears coming down her face.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked her as she stood up. She shoved a piece of paper against my chest and left.


I can't stop getting that night at the bleachers out of my mind. I know you and Josie are in a relationship, but I really felt something when we kissed. That doesn't just happen. If you choose her, I understand, but I really like you. It's so easy to talk to you. I hope you choose me❤️


"Shit." I said.

"That's all you can say!? Shit?! What the fuck Peter!" Hannah yelled at me. I ran out the shop and ran towards Stark Tower.

Josie's POV

I ran into my bedroom crying. After 5 minutes someone burst through the door. I looked up to see Peter.

"Listen, that kiss meant nothing to me. She kissed me." Peter said.

"If it meant nothing to you, why didn't you tell me?" I asked tears still coming down my face.

"I was scared it would hurt you, so I figured what you didn't know couldn't hurt you. I'm so sorry, I just-"

"Go on a date with her." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Go on a date with MJ. See if she's that one you want to be with, or if I'm the one you want to be with."

"But-" he began but Tony burst through the door.

"You've had contact with Steve for the last two months!?" He yelled at me. Shit.

"What?" I asked trying to play dumb.

"Where is he!?" Tony yelled at me.

"Can't say." I shrugged.

"Last chance kid, where is he!?"

"I don't know!"

"You leave me no choice." Tony grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the cell they kept Loki in.

"What the hell Tony!?" I yelled when I was in there.

"You stay in there until you tell me where Steve is!" He yelled at me.

"I don't know where Steve is!" I yelled at him.

"Fine." Tony walked out.

"I DONT KNOW WHERE HE IS!" I yelled. "Son of a bitch." I muttered. "JARVIS can you here me?"

"Yes ma'am." JARVIS said.

"Sweet! Can you play my Disney playlist on Spotify? I mean, something has to keep me busy." I shrugged and my music started to play.

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