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"Get in." A man in a car told me and Peter. Peter hopped in the front seat as I got in the back. I quickly put on my seat belt as we started to drive away.

"Mr Fury." Peter breathed out heavily taking off his mask while I did the same.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do." The man said.

"No, no, no, listen-" Peter began.

"Wait till we're secure." The car beeped signaling Peter didn't have his seat belt on.

"Peter! Put on your seat belt, Jesus." I said.

"I like you." The man said. "We haven't met personally yet. Nick Fury." The man nodded at me.

"Josie Richards." (No, not Josh Richards)

"Steve told me about your father. I'm sorry." Nick said in his monotone voice.

"What is he talking about?" Peter asked turning around to look at me.

"Nothing." I shook it off.

"Tell me." He insisted.

"I'll tell you later, we have bigger things going on right now." I said.


"So, is there anything you want to tell us about your girlfriend?" Nick asked Peter. What does he care about MJ?

"He's talking about EDITH." Agent Hill said. That makes more sense.

"Look, I know I made a mistake and I'm sorry, but he is not who you think he is. Beck is a liar. Mysterio, the elementals, they're all fake. He has some sort of illusion tech, that's how he tricked you guys, and he tricked me into giving him EDITH." Peter slid the piece of the drone across the table. "It's a projector. I pulled it off the fire monster in Prague."

"All that death and destruction we witnessed, was created by this?" Nick asked.

"No not just this, I think he's using drones." Peter continued.

"Well, if this is true, that means Beck's very dangerous and we need to be smart. Who else did you tell about this, other than Miss Richards? Parker? Parker?" Nick asked.

"What's wrong?" Agent Hill asked.

"It's Beck, he's here." I quickly put on my mask and pulled up my hood. Suddenly things started to disappear. Agent Hill, the floor, ceiling, everything. Turns out we were in some sort of warehouse.

"Shit." I said going closer to Peter. A drone popped out and hit Nick right in the chest. "Come on! We need to get out of here!" I yelled to Peter. Peter got shot back and off to a different floor. "Peter!"

Peter's POV

"Wow, Peter, wow. I thought we were close." Beck said. "Fury always had to die, but not you and your ex girlfriend."

"Stop hiding Beck!" I yelled as the drones started to disappear and the building turned into another illusion.

"I tried to help you walk away! Now you're making me do this!"

My suit changed into my regular suit. I saw Beck walking towards me and I tried to shoot him, but my webs turned to green smoke. I tried to punch him but every time I just punched a wall.

"You told me you were just a kid! You told me you wanted to run after that girl!" He said gettin angrier.

"Help me!" I heard Josie call out.

"Josie! I'm coming!" I said running towards her voice. I broke through the door and I was suddenly at the top of the Eiffel Tower where I'd planned to give Josie the rose necklace.

"Peter! What's going on?!" Josie said scared.

"No, I know this isn't real!" I called out.

"Do you though?" Beck said and Josie was lifted off the ground and being choked.

"Josie!" I yelled running towards her. Beck let her go off the tower and I jumped down after her. Hearing her scream scared me and broke my heart at the same time. I groaned as I hit the hard ground.

"I don't think you know what's real, Peter." Beck said. I was pushed through illusion after illusion. "You need to WAKE UP!"

I fell on top of a car and shattered the windshield. I was back in my spider monkey suit as I rolled off the car. I looked up and saw a bunch of drones flying down and I was back in another illusion. Broken mirrors fell next to me in every direction.

"I mean, look at yourself." I reached forward and a bunch of clones of me were fighting me. "You are just a scared little kid in a sweatsuit!" I looked down and saw myself in my really old suit. "I CREATED MYSTERIO TO GIVE THE WORLD SOMEONE TO BELIEVE IN! I CONTROL THE TRUTH! MYSTERIO IS THE TRUTH!"

I looked up to see a giant statue of Beck. Out of nowhere, Beck appeared and started to fight me. Come on, Peter. Figure out what's real and what's fake. Come on. Do it for Josie.

"If you were good enough," I looked up and saw a tombstone with Mr Starks name on it, "maybe Tony would still be alive." A hand reached up and a broken down iron man suit emerged from the ground.

"Deep down, you know I'm right. You made your choice! And all you had to do was step aside. And now you h-"

I was pulled back into reality and I saw Beck fall to the ground. I saw Nick stumbling behind him with a gun in his hand, and shield agents appeared all around us.

"Fury!" I grunted getting up.

"Beck's people are trying to find anyone who can expose him. Who's you tell?" Nick asked.


"I know you told someone, so just tell me, who did you tell? Who else did you tell!"

"Ok, just Ned, MJ, and Josie! Maybe Ned told his girlfriend Betty, but that's it!" I said. Nick just started to laugh. "What?"

"You, are so gullible."


"You're smart as a whip, just," his voice changed to Beck's and his face turned into Beck's, "a sucker. And now all your friends have to die."

An illusion appeared around me and pushed me back.

"It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves. But for what it's worth, Peter, I really am sorry."

The illusion faded and a train came out and hit me.

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