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Third Person POV

"NOOOOOOO!" Peter said swinging towards Josie's limp body in the chair. He untied her as fast as he could as the others tried, and failed, to get the man.

She fell off the chair and into Peter's arms as he held onto her crying. Blood was dripping from the left side of her head where the bullet had entered.

"Please don't leave me." He cried. "I'm so sorry for going on that date. I'm not ready to lose you. Please, I love you." He whispered stroking her head.

"Read vitals." Tony said coming up to her after losing the man in the chaos.

"Heart beat detected, but act fast, she can't hold on much longer." FRIDAY said.

"Everyone to the quinjet! NOW!" Tony yelled as Peter picked Josie up.

Josie was rushed into emergency surgery, and was in there for 13 hours.

"The bullet did minimal damage to her brain. The bullet entered at an angle where it only went in the very edge of her brain. We are very lucky, had the bullet been even a centimeter over, it would be a completely different story." The surgeon said to Tony and Peter. Peter had tears running down his face.

"Thank you." Tony said quietly.


"Is she okay?" Nat asked and Tony and Peter walked into the conference room with the rest of them.

"She'll be okay." Tony said quietly.

"We need to get this man." T'Challa said.


A video popped up on the screen and started to play.

"Time to film your goodbyes."

"Hey." Josie said, "I don't blame you guys for not coming. It's okay. Tell my father that I love him. Even all the things he did to me, I want him to know I loved him. And, Peter, tell Hannah and Ned I love them. And I wish you and MJ the best, and I'm sorry for everything that happened, and I love you." Tears came down Peter's eyes, "If I'm going to die, you might as well know that I really don't know where Steve is."

"Oh my God." Tony said feeling an enormous amount of guilt.

"I wish I did, but he refused to tell me. If you see him again tell him I say thank you. And I love you guys a lot. Thank you for being my family."

"My deepest condolences to you in your time of grieving." The man with a heavy accent said with a smirk.

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