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I was startled by a knock at the window. I saw Spiderman in the view of the closed window. I sighed as I opened the window and the cold night air rushed in.

"Peter, it's like 1:30 in the morning, what's going on?" I asked pulling my sweater closer to my body and shivering.

"I just- I-" he stuttered.

"Come inside, it's freezing." I know it's early fall, but this breeze is killing me. He crawled through the window and I quickly closed it. "Peter, why did you fight Brad? Do you know how stupid that was? You got in trouble for nothing!" I said in a hushed yell. Bucky and Steve's rooms were just down the hall and I can't wake them up or they'll kill me.

"It wasn't nothing! I couldn't let him do that and say those things to you!" Peter said in the same hushed voice taking off his mask. "Can you put your suit on? I want to take you somewhere."


"Please." He begged. I looked into his pleading eyes and I couldn't say no.

"Ok." I sighed. At least I don't have school tomorrow. I quickly put on my suit on and met Peter on the roof. "Where are we off to?"

"Just follow me." He started to swing and I followed closely behind him. After a few minutes of swinging we made it to the top of the Brooklyn Bridge.

"The Brooklyn Bridge? Why... why here?" I asked taking my mask off.

"This is where I took you on our first date. I- I..." Peter stopped and began to think of what to say. He took off his mask and looked into my eyes. "You said it was a break, not a break up, and we are still technically together, but not talking to you, not physically being with you for the past two weeks has killed me. I can't keep watching as you pass in the halls and not being able to stop and talk to you. Maybe what I say will make me lose you forever, but it needs to be said. I love you! Okay! I love you, Josie!" He took my hand and pulled me closer to him. "I can't live without you. Please, don't- don't make me." He sobbed.

I let go of a breathe I didn't realize I'd been holding. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I thought it'd be better for us to work out what we've been going through alone, but it's just hurt me more and more. I love you." I pulled away from the hug and leaned up and kissed him.

I felt like the world had stopped. The noise, the lights of the city disappeared. I was in Peter's arms, and I was never letting go again.


"Hey!" I said walking up to the boys with Hannah.

"Hey!" Peter said turning around and smiling. The four of us started to walk to class, talking amongst ourselves. Even though I'm in school doing what I literally do everyday, I couldn't help but feel truly happy. Just talking with my friends and boyfriend, the sun shining in the window, and our laughs echoing in the hallway, made me feel like nothing could ever hurt me.

And with Peter by my side, I know nothing will.

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