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Peter's POV

"She seems so cool, Ned. She was like this bad ass kinda person." I was telling Ned about my run in with Spider Girl.

"Do I sense a crush?" Ned asked.

"What? No! I just met her yesterday, are you kidding me." I watched as Josie and Hannah passed us in the hallway and I glared.

"Are you kidding me? Why do you hate her so much? You were inseparable in 8th grade! What happened?" Ned asked.

"Nothing." I closed my locker and walked away. Every time I see her, my heart breaks a little more and I think of when I decided to stop hanging out with her.

I was running late to lunch again after getting caught up in the library. I had the biggest crush on Josie, and she absolutely loved Harry Potter, so when I could I would read the books so I could talk to her about it.

"I don't know Ned. I can't ruin our relationship like that. Our feelings for each other could ruin our friendship. I can't. We can't." I heard Josie say to Ned as I walked up behind them to our lunch table.

My heart shattered. I felt tears fill my eyes and I turned in the other direction and ran to the bathroom.

Come on, Peter. Get over it. It was years ago.


Josie's POV

"YOURE AN UNGRATEFUL BITCH! YOU KNOW THAT!" Dad yelled at me, grabbing my wrist as tight as he could. Tears ran down my face and he yelled at me. As soon as he let go, I ran to my room and locked the door. I quickly put on my suit, opened the window, and swung as far away as I could.

I stopped on the top of a building when I couldn't swing anymore. My tears blurred my vision as I sobbed. I miss how perfect my life used to be. I miss being best friends with Peter and Ned. I miss my mom and how my dad acted before she died. We were the perfect family. Now, if he's not at work, he's out drinking or passed out on the couch.

"Hey!" I looked up and saw Spiderman.

"Hi." I said trying to hide how sad I sounded.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah." My voice broke as I spoke.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"My dad... he h-hit me." I said softly.

"What! You have to call the police!"

"No! I can't."

"Why not?"

"I just can't!" I yelled at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."

"It's fine." There was a moment before he spoke up. "Does this happen often?"

"No." I lied. "I should get back home. Thank you." I said giving him a hug before swinging home.


Peter's POV

"Look at Josie's wrist." I whispered to Ned. She had bruises on her wrist. "Go ask her what it's from." Ned got up and went over and talked to Josie. I watched as he nodded his head and she laughed.

"What was it?" I asked when he sat back down.

"She said it was from her scrunchies. She said they were too tight and she fell asleep with them on and she woke up with the bruises on her wrist." Ned explained. "Do you believe her?"

"Not at all."

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