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"Congrats, you're an Avenger." Steve said to me. "Stay close to me and you leave at any sign of danger."

"You do realize this entire thing is dangerous." I laughed.

"Just be careful." He said.

"Got it." I said putting my mask on and pulling my hood up. I ran with everyone else as we began to fight. I webbed any alien in my sight and stayed as far away from them as I could. I watched as the aliens over took everyone.

"Shit!" I yelled as I got hit to the ground. Suddenly something hit the alien coming towards me. "The hell?"

"Josie, meet Thor." Steve panted as I came beside him.

"Inviting children to fight with us?" Thor said.

"Nice to meet you too I guess." I laughed.

"Meet a friend of mine, Tree." Thor said pointing at a tree guy.

"I am Groot." He said.

"I am Steve Rogers." Steve said.

I ran towards Nat and stuck by her side. Wanda was on the ground being forced down by the alien lady.

"He'll die alone. As will you." The alien said.

"She's not alone." Nat said.

I webbed the alien and pulled her to the ground. She got up and threw me down.

"Mhmmm." I said opening my eyes. Nat and Wanda were gone. I saw some chaos going on by the trees and I ran over. I saw Steve trying to push a giant purple man, who I assumed was Thanos, away. The man threw Steve aside and I webbed him up quickly. He pulled my web, pulling me, and punched me down.

Wanda destroyed the stone and Thanos said something to her before using the time stone to get the stone back.

Thanos ripped the stone from Vision's head and added to the gauntlet. I tried my hardest to get up, but couldn't.

Suddenly Thor shoved his axe into Thanos. He said something to Thanos before Thanos snapped, still being alive.

"NO!" I yelled, but it was too late.

"What did you do!? WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Thor demanded. Thanos used the stones and disappeared. I stood up and walked towards Steve and Thor.

"Steve?" Bucky called out. We all turned to see him fall and turn to dust. Steve, Thor, and I looked at each other terrified.

One by one, people all around us turned to dust. Wakanda's soldiers, T'Challa, Groot, Wanda, Sam, they just started disappearing.

"Steve," I stuttered out. He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "It's okay. It will all be okay. If Peter comes back tell him I love him." I came forward and hugged Steve. "Thank you."

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