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School finished quickly, luckily. I told Hannah about my anxiety/panic attack and about my dad passing away. I didn't tell Peter, though. With everything he's going through, I can't push all my problems on him.

Peter gave me a promise ring. He said it was for all the anniversaries we missed. It was just a simple gold band with a little emerald stone on it. I'm never taking it off.

I quickly put in my suit, climbed out my bedroom window, and started to swing around the city. I passed by Peter's apartment where I saw him sitting on the fire escape.

"Hey!" I said sitting down next to him and taking off my mask.

"Hey." He stayed quiet.

"You okay?" I asked worried.

"I'm fine."

"I can tell somethings wrong."

"Really, I'm fine."

"Peter, don't be afraid to talk to me-"

"I'm fine!" He yelled. "God, you never listen to me! I don't want to talk about it, okay!"

"S-sorry." I stutter out.

"Just go away." He sighed angrily.

"I didn't mean to-"

"Jesus Christ! I can't do this anymore! You never listen and you're always pushing me to talk to you! I'm so sick of talking to you!" He yelled at me again.

"Yelling at me isn't going to fix this."

"Oh my God! Shut up! I can't deal with your stupid positive attitude!"

"I'm not going to just sit here and let you yell at me." I said standing up.

"Then leave! That's what I've been telling you to do! I can't be in a relationship with someone who won't listen to me!"

"So just like that, it's over?"

"Glad you're finally listening." He scoffed. I quickly put on my mask before turning to him one last time.

"I hope you deal with whatever is going on right now. I hope you talk to someone. Just know I really did care." I said, my tears being soaked up by my mask.

I swung as fast as I could to Hannah's apartment, stopping at her bedroom window, and climbing in.

"Hey!" She said cheerfully. I pulled off my mask and revealed my puffy, red, tear stained face. "What's wrong?!" She asked shocked.

"Peter-" I sobbed, "he broke up with me." I cried into her shoulder.

"That son of a b-" she began but I sobbed harder. "It will be okay." Hannah patted my back.

I stayed with Hannah until I calmed down and it was late. I climbed in my room through the window and quickly fell asleep.

Peter's POV

"I hope you deal with whatever is going on right now. I hope you talk to someone. Just know I really did care." Josie said before swinging away.

I sighed as I climbed back in my window.

"Shit!" I yelled at myself. "How could I be so stupid!" I felt tears of anger and sadness fall down my face. I broke up with her and all she ever did was try and help me. I shouldn't have shut her out. And to top it all off, I broke her heart.

Josie's POV

"Are you packing your suit?" Steve asked standing in the door way as I packed.

"I don't know." I sighed.

"I think you should pack your suit." Steve insisted.

"But-" I started.

"You know he's getting his way, right?" Bucky asked passing us in the hall way.

"You're right, I'll pack my suit." I laughed throwing my suit inside a hoodie and in my suit case. I was going on a school trip to Europe.

"Alright, I'll drive you up to the airport." Steve sighed.

"I'll see you in 2 weeks." I gave Steve a hug and ran into the airport. I walked over to Hannah and saw Peter and Ned out of the corner of my eye.

I haven't spoken to Peter since he broke up with me about two weeks ago. This is my last 'hurrah' of summer before school started in three weeks.

"Nooooo." I groaned.

"What?" She asked.

"My seat is next to Peter. We made these plans to sit next to each other when we were still together."

"I'd offer to switch seats, but I'm sitting next to Flash, and I'm not gonna put you through that."

"It's fine I'll just deal with it." I sighed.

Peter's POV

"I'm going to fix everything with Josie over this trip." I said.

"Let me hear your plan." Ned sighed.

"We are sitting next to each other on the plane, I'll offer to share ear buds and watch a movie together. Then when we reach Italy, I'll apologize and give her this rose necklace." I said pulling out a gold chain with a rose charm on it. "It's because Belle is her favorite Disney princess."

"You're such a nerd." Ned said.

Josie's POV

I sat down in my seat and sighed. Peter came and sat down next to me. He tried to say something, but I ignored him and put in my ear buds.

Soon after we took off, MJ came and asked me to switch seats. Something about the lady's perfume in front of her. Although I was skeptical, because she has a crush on my ex who I'm sitting next to, I was eager to get away from Peter.

I walked down the aisle and sat next to Brad.

"Did you switch with MJ?" Brad asked.


"Josie, right?" I nodded. "Brad." He smiled.

"You're one of the people who didn't blip, right?"


"That must have been so weird and crazy."

"It was weird at the beginning but I got used to it."

Peter's POV

I tried my best to ignore MJ. I didn't want anything to do with her. I kept looking back at Brad and Josie talking and laughing.

After a while I looked back to see Josie asleep on Brad's shoulder. I felt anger rose in me. I can't get mad. I broke up with her. It's my fault.

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