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Peter's POV

"Mr Stark, what's wrong?" I asked swinging up to him. He was by the tower, kneeling on the ground.

"Come on wake up. Wake up, come on!" Mr Stark yelled.

I came closer to see who he was leaning over and saw Josie laying on the ground. She had debris stabbed in her side and she was unconscious.

"Josie!" I said running up to her. "No, no, no, no! What happened?!" No I can't lose her. Please, I don't want to lose her!

"I gotta get her to the hospital." Mr Stark said picking her up and flying away.

Josie's POV


"Mhm." I groaned opening my eyes.

"Morning." Tony said sitting next to me.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

"A week and a half."

"What happened?"

"You were in the tower when it collapsed and got impaled by some debris. You're okay now. A little rest and you'll be fine."


"Now, you have a choice. You sign the contract, or you can join the rest in prison." Tony stated.

"I guess I'm signing then."

"Great." Tony clapped and stood up. "You're free to go."

I got up and went to my room. I saw the guest bedroom door open and Peter was in there.

"Hey Peter." I said walking in.

"Hi." He said looking down avoiding my eyes.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked.


"Are you mad at me? Listen I'm sorry for fighting with you-"

"I am mad, but not because of that." He said annoyed.

"Why are you mad then?"

"I'm mad because you got hurt! How could you do that! You could have died!" Peter yelled at me.

"I could die any day. Our jobs put us in danger every day. And I didn't die, so I don't see the problem." I shrugged.

"I can't lose you again, okay!" He said tears coming down his face.

"You're not going to lose me!" I said standing up and hugging him.

"I-I just can't lose you." He cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay, Peter." I said squeezing him. I pulled away from the hug and looked into his eyes. He leaned in fast and kissed me. Holy shit. He's kissing me. He's kissing me!

"Holy shit." I said pushing him away.

"Shit, I just, I don't know, I thought-" I grabbed his collar and pulled him in for another kiss. "Oh." He said blushing. "So does this mean you'd want to go out?"

"Sure." I blushed.


"Peter, we are about to go on a date, but you never told me what we are doing. How should I dress?" I asked Peter. Our date is in ten minutes.

"Put on your suit." He said smiling wearing his suit.

"I'm still not allowed to do anything though. I'm still supposed to be resting." I said.

"That's fine, I'll swing us where we are going, just go get changed." I sighed and went to get changed into my black suit. "Alright put your mask on and hold on tight." He said when we got to the roof.

"Where are we going?" I asked again.

"You'll find out when we get there, now come on!"

I put my arms around his neck and held on as he instructed. We swung around for about ten minutes before reaching the top of the Brooklyn Bridge. There was a blanket and a box of pizza sitting there.

"So we can watch the sunset as we eat, then after we can watch the stars and talk." He said taking off his mask.

"This is so cute." I swooned.

"Come on, I'm hungry." He said sitting down.

Peter and I talked for a while and watched the stars before we went back to Stark Tower. I went into my room and got ready to take a shower.

I heard my phone buzz on my bed before answering it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey." Steve said.

"Steve!?" I said quietly. "Are you okay? What happened? Did you find the doctor guy? Did you know Tony knows Bucky didn't do anything?"

"We found the guy, but he got away. Bucky killed Tony's parents when HYDRA controlled his mind, and he's pissed." He explained.

"Where are you?"

"I won't tell you. For your safety. Just know I'm fine. I'll call you once a week, okay?"


"I have to go."

"Bye. Stay safe."

"Same to you."

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