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Peter's POV

"You cannot tell me he's not cute. You're fucking blind." Josie said sitting down with Hannah at our lunch table.

"Who's not cute?" Ned asked.

"Josie thinks Harry Styles is cute." Hannah said.

"Josie knows Harry Styles is cute." Josie corrected. I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"If you think he's so cute, than why don't you go marry him?" Hannah joked.

"Ew, he's like 26. Plus, I he could be a bad person. I don't care how cute you are, I will not date you if you treat others badly. Personality is much higher on my list than looks." That made me feel better.

Josie and I made up two weeks ago, and I couldn't be happier. I missed talking and joking with her one on one.


"You guys want to do something?" I asked.

"I've got some time to spare." Hannah said.

"I'm down." Josie said.

"What do you want to do?" Ned asked.

"I don't know, maybe-" Josie stopped dead in her tracks and just looked forward.

"Oh no. No, no, no." She looked terrified.

"What's wrong?" I said walking up to her in front of her.

"My d-dad. He's h-ere." She stuttered.

"Hannah, take her inside, Josie call Steve to come get you. Ned go get someone." I instructed them, Hannah ran Josie inside, and Ned ran in after them to get an adult.

I went and blocked Mr Richards from going in.

"Move." He said.

"No sir. You can't see her." I said walking in front of him.

"Who are you to tell me I can't see my daughter Peter?" He said. I knew him from when Josie and I were best friends.

"I'm her friend, and I can't let you see her. She doesn't want to see you." I said pushing him back away from the school.

"Let me through!" He said pushing me to the ground.

"Sir, get off of school property. Now!" Mrs Nelte yelled.

"I'm here to see my daughter!" He said pushing past her.

I got up and ran inside after him, Josie and Hannah were in the hall by the office and he was walking toward them.

"Go away!" Josie yelled.

"You're coming home!" Her dad yelled at her. He grabbed her arm and she cowered.

"No she's not!" I said pulling his arms off of her. He wrestled his arms out, hitting me in the face during the process.

"Hey!" Steve yelled running in. He pulled Josie's dad away from me and o went to stand by Hannah, who was hugging Josie, who was crying. "The police are on there way." Steve sighed.

"Everything's going to be okay." I said holding onto Josie.

We watched as the police came and took Mr Richards away.

Josie's POV

"Hey. You okay?" I looked up and saw Peter standing in my door way.

"Yeah. It was just, scary." I said standing up and walking toward him. "Ugh, your face." I said touching the bruise forming on his cheek and looked at the cut above his eyebrows. "Come here." I grabbed his arm and sat him on the bed, before going to grab a wet wash cloth. I dabbed his cut and he winced.

"Sorry..." I said.

"No, no, it's alright." He said and I continued.

"Thanks for everything you've done for me, Peter."

"Are you kidding me? Of course." He smiled.

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