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Steve walked into the room in front of me.

"I found her." He said coming into the room. "Tony, I need to talk to you in the hallway. You can sit over there, next to Natasha." Steve pointed to a red haired woman. She smiled at me, but I kept looking down.

"Okay, Josie, someone is getting a room ready for you, so don't worry about it." Tony said to me. He pointed at everyone and told me there name, finishing with PETER PARKER. Peter and I each gave each other a wide eyed look.

"Spider-Lings, welcome to the Avengers." Tony said. "I'm going to update your suits and make you better ones. We will send you on missions, you will always go with someone. Not necessarily the same person, but a person. You are welcome to use any rooms in this Tower, make yourself at home." Tony said.

"Can you keep the style of my current suit? Please?" I asked quietly.

"Anything you want. Come on, I'll show you to your room."

Tony showed me to a floor with a kitchen, living room, dining room, then a hallway with a bunch of doors off of it. He took me to the forth door down on the right and opened the door. It was a beautiful room.

There was a gorgeous canopy bed with a bark blue comforter in the middle of the room, a cream colored loveseat by the closet door, a TV across from the loveseat and my bed, and glass desk with a expensive looking laptop on top of the desk, and a beautiful white wood dresser in the other corner.

"Mr Stark, this is beautiful, but really, it's too much, I can't-"

"You deserve a room like this. If you need anything, just ask JARVIS. You share a bathroom with Steve. And, please, call me Tony." He smiled before walking off.

I laid down on my bed and took it all in. I heard my door to my room burst open and slam shut. I sat up and saw Peter, and boy, did he look pissed.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"You can't be Spider Girl." He said pacing.

"Well I hate to disappoint, but I have powers. You wanna see me shoot a web, I can shoot a web-" I laughed.

"Are you laughing! You can't seriously be laughing!" He yelled at me stopping in his tracks.

"I don't see what the big deal is!"

"It's dangerous! You can't be Spider Girl because it's to dangerous!"

"You didn't seem to care when you didn't know it was me!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah, because I didn't know you personally!"

"Please, you haven't known me personally for years! But it's fine if your Spiderman, but God forbid I do the same thing as you!"

"I can handle it! I don't care if I get hurt!"

"I can't handle it!? I have the same powers as you! I have even more powers than you! If anyone can handle it, I can!"

"I forbid you to be Spider Girl!" Peter yelled at me.

"You forbid me? You don't forbid me. Your aren't my parent. Hell, you aren't even my best friend anymore. You ditched me, Peter. You can't tell me what I do is dangerous, especially when you do the same thing!"

"Why didn't you tell me you were Spider Girl!?"

"I didn't know you were Spiderman!"

"Why didn't you tell me your dad was hurting you?!" He asked.

"Oh yeah, let me just update my ex best friend about my life! You didn't even tell me why you ditched me! I don't even know why I'm sitting here explaining myself to you! Get out!" I pushed him away and slammed the door in his face.

I ran into the bathroom and started crying.

"You okay?" I turned and saw Steve standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Yeah." I said wiping my tears.

"What's wrong?"

"Peter was my best friend until 8th grade when he ditched me, and he was just yelling at me telling me I can't be Spider Girl. He's just so frustrating." I complained.

"Why did he ditch you?" Steve asked.

"I don't know! He never gave me a reason, that's why I'm so annoyed. He has the audacity to tell me I can't do the exact thing that he does. And he got mad at me for not telling him about my dad."

"Are you okay with all that? Do you need anything?" Steve asked.

"No, I'm okay, thank you."

"If you need me, I'm right next door." He gave me a hug and left.

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