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"Ughhhhhhh." I groaned throwing my phone on my bed and getting up to take a shower.

I turned on the water and hopped in. After a long day of doing nothing, a cold shower made me feel like I did something. The rest of the team went to try and find the doctor guy.

As I washed my hair, my legs couldn't hold my weight under me and I collapsed. I tried to get up, but failed because I couldn't feel my right leg.

"Well isn't this just great. I'm stuck in the shower and nobody's home." I laughed to myself. This is one of those 'this might as well happen' days.

I continued to condition my curly hair on the floor, trying to figure out my next move. I turned the water off and tried to grab onto something to pull myself up.

"Josie?" I heard Peter's voice call out in my room.

"Peter! I fell in the shower and I can't get up!" I yelled out.

"The doors locked!" He said jiggling the door.

"Try the door from Steve's room!"

"Ok, hold on!"

He opened the door to Steve's room with his eyes covered.

"I promise I'm not looking." He said.

"Peter you can't help me if you can't see. I trust you Peter, it's ok. I just need help." I sighed.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just don't want to be stuck on the floor anymore." I sighed.

He slowly moved his hand from his eyes, but made sure his gaze stayed at my eyes. He grabbed a towel and handed it to me to wrap my body up.

He leaned down and grabbed me under my arms as I wrapped my arms around him. He carried me into my room and set me on the love seat.

I put on my bra and shirt, but struggled to get my underwear and pants on.

"Ugh." I sighed frustrated. "Can you please help me?" I asked Peter.

"Yeah, sure." He bent down and started to help me get dressed. I felt tears of frustration pour out my eyes. "Hey, what's wrong?" Peter said standing up.

"I'm 16, and I can't even dress myself." I sighed.

"That's not your fault. I promise you we are going to catch this man and lock him up for what he did to you. Come on, let's watch something." Peter said picking me up and putting me on my bed.

He turned on Revenge of the Sith and we laid together cuddling on my bed.

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