Hunt for Life

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A/N: Hello everyone! First of all, i would like to apologise for taking this long to update this story. It's just that I've had really bad writers block, tons of homework and exams and just general exhaustion. I really hope you guys understand. We're nearing the end of Game of Traitors and I can't believe I actually made it this far into a project without giving up on it! This has been one of the hardest chapters I have ever written, both because of the fact it's a challenge and general lack of free time and inspiration. As per usual, enjoy this chapter, feel free to comment, give constructive criticism and have fun!

Songs for this Chapter:

Scream – Dreamcatcher
Ógleði – Hatari
Falling Away From Me – Korn
Verbatim – Mother Mother

"Hello everybody! Welcome back to the sixth official challenge of the 21st Game of Traitors! Tonight, our characters will go on a trip back in time and live in the dark age of the Land of Traitors! With only five competitors left, the Game is getting more exciting and the Traitor is closer to being revealed than ever! Don't forget to cast your votes on who you think the Traitor is on our website, and if you're lucky, you can win a skylion that competed in this very game!"

Toga's blaring voice forces a raspy gasp to leave the depths of my throat. It hasn't started yet, has it?

My eyes dart around the room—or rather a chamber—being met with a solid dark blue color and a giant white 'A' and the words 'Sector Alpha' plastered on the wall to my side.

"The competitors have voted and here's what they'll get! A task to take down their competitor! Will Todoroki Shoto prove to be the Traitor, or will this be yet another set up by the real one! Tonight we'll find out, ladies and gentlemen!"

Pools of sweat build in my palms and between my fingers, dampening my skin, just like how my hair is soaked from upper panic. The fact that I can't even move that well in this chamber is making me even more claustrophobic and, even if the light fabric of my dark blue tank top is as wet as a moist towelette.

"Each Hunter is scattered across four sectors! Sector Alpha, the hotel bathrooms, Sector Beta, the kitchen, Sector Gamma, the bar and Sector Delta, the reception! The Hunted abounds! We don't know if Todoroki is in a hotel room, hiding under the sunbeds, or even on the roof! Who knows?! The Hunters might and once they do, they'll be able to eliminate him and possibly win a call back home! The game begins in five! four! three! two! one!"

And with that, my heart flies up my chest, being met with a sinking feeling as I collapse towards the ground. The floor beneath my feet splits in two and before I can truly realize that I just fell through a trapdoor, a burning ache fills my body.

"Oh, I forgot to mention! Each competitor's sector is also their asylum, where no harm can be dealt to them! Or else, they get executed with...other means," Toga lets out one last giggle.

Right, I'm in a bathroom. Kacchan's gonna feel this too, I forgot. This might just be my safe space. Other means?

I pick my body up, going on all fours as I then stand on my own two feet, trying not to fall again and keep steady. I dart around the bathroom, being met with a wall of urinals, a wall of stalls and one with a long mirror lined with multiple granite sinks.

Right...what if Todoroki's gonna kill me? Kacchan will die along with me. Can I hide in here? I mean, this is my asylum, all along. I could stay in here for the whole game, but whatever happens, I know someone is going to die, even myself.

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