The Ceremony

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A/N: Hey guys! I planned this and the previous chapter to be one chapter, but it was a teeny bit too long, so I had to split it. Enjoy!

Midoriya... Midoriya...Mido-Aha, I found it.

The fourth one to the left, coincidentally, the one right next to Toga's room. I see that one is Kacchan's now. The one to my left is Jiro's. I wonder what my role will be in the game. I enter, opening the wooden door, as I walk into a large room with white wallpaper, which has small floral detailing, a hair and makeup styling chair, a hair washing station, a rack of colorful, yet exquisite looking clothes and a...nail station.

My stylist seems to be sitting on a large, brown leather armchair. "Hey you must be Midoriya. The name's Takami Keigo. Call me Hawks." He says, as he smiles. I simply nod.

He stands up confidently, extending his hand towards me. I do the same, taking his and shaking it.

I can't help but notice how strange he looks, yet in a good way. He's got yellowish brown hair, some strands falling over his yellow glasses. He's also got stubble of the same color lining his jaw. He's also.. wearing a muted yellow jacket indoors, along with a black shirt with an intricate design. Yet the most noticable thing about him, are the large red wings pinned to his back. They look so real, the details on them are like a real...well, hawk..

"Alright, pick out something to wear, and then I'll do your hair and makeup, then you'll put it on. I can't stress how many times I've gotten mascara all over somebody's formal wear because they could not stop moving." Hawks says, arranging the styling chair and all of his supplies.

I flip through all five of my options on the rack. What should I go for?

The olive green two piece velvet suit, with a cashmere white v neck?

The three piece black suit with a ruffled white top and long tweed coat?

The two piece combo with black trousers and a blue jacket with small embroidered flowers at the sides?

The large white jacket, exactly the same style as the one Hawks has on, along with a black turtleneck and white pants?

Or the long black leather jacket with black leather trousers and a red shirt?

Huh, these are all so different from each other. I flip through them, repeatedly. I can't deny that Hawks has a unique... interesting style. In the end, I settle for my first option. Green has always looked good on me anyways, at least I think. I sort it away from the other options, then head to Hawk's chair.

"Found what you like?" He asks with a smile, pulling the black leather chair back as I sit down.

"Yeah. Though, they were all so different. Your taste is... interesting to say the least." Scratch that, it's...peculiar.

"Thank you. You don't want a cut, do you?" He asks. I quickly shake my head. I never liked my hair short. "Just some light makeup?" He says. I simply nod.

Around twenty minutes pass by of Hawks just telling me to relax my eyes and to look down and to stop freaking moving goddamnit.

He speaks up. "You know what they gave to to wear in my game?" He asks with a chuckle, the make up having dried, as he finally removes all the clips from my hair. He's also been in the game? I could get some pointers, perhaps.

I look in the mirror, seeing as he's given me a dark green eye look, along with some silver on the inner eye, and a thin layer of eyeliner. Let's not forget the soft pink on my lips and cheeks...and all that highlighter.

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