Preparing for the Hunt

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A/N: Hey guys and Happy Holidays to everyone! As y'all can see, I'm back! As per usual, enjoy this chapter! I hope you're all having fun with your families these days, even if it may be stressful for some. 🎄

Songs for this Chapter: Rhinestone Eyes - Gorillaz

"Uh, Toga? What's all this?" Kirishima asks, pointing to the chairs in the dimly lit room, which are all arranged in a circle.

The sight sends flashbacks replaying in my head, as this is the exact room where the private Role Ceremony took place; where I found out Kacchan was assigned as my lover.

Quite a bit of foreshadowing, ain't it?

The circle light on the ceiling in the center of the room blares as brightly white as I remember that night, as I squint, looking down and gritting my teeth..i grab the nearest black fold out chair and sit...Kacchan to my left this time instead of across from me.

I'm dying to tell Hawks about what happened in the garden. I'm already imagining him cracking open yet another bottle of scotch, going "You sure are the man, Midoriya!" and downing the whole glass thing in celebration.

Toga clears her throat, as Shigaraki stands behind the light control station, as he dims the large center light. "Okay, fixed the light," she cheers.

As we're all now seated, Kirishima asks. "Uh, what are we here? If you're gonna make us compete right now, you've got another thing comin'. Totally not manly at all."

"No, silly!" Toga chuckles, taking another fold out chair and sitting uncomfortably close to Todoroki, who only bares his teeth as her chair is unsettlingly pressed up next to his. "I'm not going to have you guys compete without getting my hair, makeup or nails done! I can't just host a challenge without taking the time to look good! We ladies care about our appearance!"

Kacchan crosses his arms on his chest, scoffing. "Yeah right. Says the same chick who wears the same fucking schoolgirl outfit every day.'

Toga pouts. "It's a reminder of my victory in the game! It's what I was wearing when I finally eliminated Twice and won the Game of Traitors!"

"Fine, whatever. Why are we here?" Todoroki mumbles, nudging Toga with his elbow to hopefully get her away, to no avail.

"Oh, right! I called you all here because I wanted to talk to y'all about the challenge!"

"But you already announced it, remember?" Ashido crosses her legs.

"Well, if you'd let me talk, I'd tell you! Anyways, this has to do with the challenge that's coming up. Since it's your return after the halftime show, and there's five of you left in total, we've decided to do something a little extra special. Now, because of this we'll have to spoil the challenge, but it's totally necessary!"

Spoil the challenge? Is this a blessing or a curse in disguise? Knowing Toga, it's definitely some form of trap.

"Well, uh, spill, I guess," I scratch the back of my head.

Toga claps her hand excitedly, beaming, with the sides of her eyes crinkling happily. "My pleasure! You guys remember the card, right?"

"'Childhood games form what kind of person we will be in the future. Am I the hunter or the hunted? The servant or the resort guest?'"

"If you're gonna tell us it's a hide and seek thing, we already know. You aren't exactly subtle," Kirishima scratches the back of his head.

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